Ways and Means DemsTài khoản được xác nhận


Official Twitter Feed of the House Ways and Means Committee Democrats. Updates from Democratic staff.

Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2009


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  1. Trump promise: "A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America." Reality: “Wells Fargo has laid off hundreds of U.S. employees during the past year as it pushed many of their jobs overseas”

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  2. Pharmaceutical companies got billions of dollars of benefits from the Republican tax law this year. Now, they’re raising your drug prices. That’s not right.

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  3. President Trump is going out of his way, and against the bipartisan will of Congress, to cut off basic food assistance for hungry Americans and their families.

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  4. Republicans promised their tax law would do a lot of things – Pay for itself! Spur $4,000 raises for workers! Bring $4 trillion back to the United States! One year later, the law has fallen dismally short of those claims.

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    Every minute, every day, every week of delay is a disservice to American taxpayers. This is good work -- necessary work -- and it puts the people before politics.

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  6. đã Tweet lại

    This morning I was named Chairman-designate of the House Ways & Means Committee. I am grateful to my colleagues for trusting me w this responsibility. Taking on this new role is a true honor, one that I take extremely seriously & have worked toward throughout my time in Congress.

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  7. It’s been nearly a year since Republicans forced their tax law through Congress. Who's benefitted the most? Big corporations and the most well-off and well-connected individuals, not workers and middle-class families.

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  8. Claims that Republicans made about their tax law that have been proven FALSE: “The rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.” ➡️ Nope. “The benefits of tax reform go to the middle class, not to the highest earners.” ➡️ Not true.

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  9. Today, all Democrats emphasized the importance of enforcing the environmental and labor commitments of the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement. Read their letter to the USTR here:

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  10. President Trump promised that American workers would see huge financial gains thanks to the GOP tax law. “A year later, economic data shows that the tax bill’s benefit to workers was largely a mirage.”

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  11. đã Tweet lại

    Surprises are fun, unless they involve your taxes. Taxpayers might find a bad surprise when filing their returns in 2019. Thanks to the , you could end up owing more in taxes than you think. Here are a few tips to prepare for Tax Day. 👇

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  12. President Trump and congressional Republicans said that companies would use their savings from the GOP tax law to give workers $4,000 raises. But that hasn’t happened. Instead: “Corporate America gives out a record $1 trillion in stock buybacks”

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  13. Democrats will continue our fight to protect against ongoing Republican health care attacks. Every American should have access to affordable, high-quality, health insurance.

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  14. Friday’s court ruling is the latest step in Republicans’ long-running attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, rip health coverage from at least 20 million people, and allow insurance companies to discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions.

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  15. Ranking Member , Rep. and Rep. on tonight’s ruling: “This reckless court decision endangers the lives of millions of Americans who are going to lose their health care. It is an ideological decision in a case that has no legal merit.”

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  16. “Trump and his backers in Congress promised tax cuts would boost the long-term growth potential of the U.S. economy. The data so far don’t support that claim.” What we do know for certain: the GOP law has caused the deficit to balloon.

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  17. Instead of lowering prescription prices for patients, drug companies are using their massive benefits from the Republican tax law to reward Wall Street and executives.

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  18. Promise: President-elect Trump said “we’re going to have insurance for everybody.” Reality: Under President Trump, the U.S. uninsured rate has risen for the first time since 2010. Visit to find coverage for you and your family.

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  19. A new study finds that due to Republican policies, America’s fiscal strength will decline over the coming years. Democrats want to get our nation’s fiscal house in order.

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  20. The federal government’s debt has skyrocketed under Republican control. Contributing to that problem: the GOP’s underfunding of the IRS has led to “tens of billions in lost government revenue.”

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