Bennie G. Thompson인증된 계정


Husband. Father. Grandfather. Avid hunter. Proudly serving in Congress. | Ranking member of . | Follow my Instagram: .

Bolton, Mississippi
가입일: 2009년 10월


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  1. 12월 17일

    I stand with 's , expressing our concerns about the privacy mishaps & hate speech incidents Facebook has allowed. Our hope is this boycott will charge Facebook to do a better job of protecting & supporting communities of color online. Join us!

  2. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 17일

    . has expressed concern about the privacy mishaps & hate speech incidents has allowed. That’s why we‘re leading a weeklong logout in the hope that they’ll do better to protect & support communities of color online. Join us. & Instagram on 12/18.

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 17일

    Last week's ACA ruling by an extreme right-wing judge would throw tens of millions of Americans off their health care. We cannot allow Republicans to eliminate health care protections and access for American families, including people with pre-existing conditions.

  4. 12월 10일

    Open Enrollment is only 5 more days – until December 15. Don’t miss your chance to on for 2019!

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 10일

    The last major in 2013 cost the American economy 120,000 jobs and $24 billion. Republicans need to recognize they lost election & stop trying to hold the nation hostage to their radical demands.

  6. 11월 30일

    On , we remember those we have lost to HIV/AIDS and honor their memory by recommitting to this fight. To help , please get tested and .

  7. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 28일

    The Senate is expected to vote today to make Thomas Farr a federal judge in North Carolina. Who is Thomas Farr? For starters, he was a lawyer for then-Senator Jesse Helms’ campaign, where he defended the campaign in its efforts to disenfranchise African American voters.

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  8. 11월 28일

    Congratulations, ! I am excited to witness your leadership over our historic group.

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 28일

    NEW: House Dems plan broad scrutiny of Trump's immigration agenda, next chair of Homeland Security Committee tells me: -- tear gassing migrants -- child separations -- Calling DHS officials to account for Trump lies My interview w/:

  10. 11월 25일

    Mississippi, Other States Sue Student Loan Servicing Company Over Business Practices

  11. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 21일
    이 스레드 보기
  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 16일

    I just informed that our whip team has secured more than enough commitments from Democratic members of the next Congress to elect him the House Majority Whip! We will continue to press for support to earn every vote.

  13. 11월 16일

    Members have said they have faith that will represent the diverse views we will have in the new majority.

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  14. 11월 16일

    In asking for members’ support, led with his experience bringing together the Caucus and winning tough votes on the House Floor. Jim has a diverse Whip team that represents the diversity within the Democratic Caucus.

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  15. 11월 14일

    I talked to Roland Martin about ’s offensive comments towards Mississippi African-Americans and negligence to even apologize.

  16. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 13일

    House back in session today. Right-wing advance has been halted. Now we will fight to Lower Healthcare Costs, Increase Pay and GO ON OFFENSE

  17. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 13일

    My heart sinks as the death toll from the California wildfires continues to grow and homes continue to burn. To our friends on the West Coast, we are thinking of you and the federal government must be fully prepared to provide the relief these disaster survivors deserve.

  18. 11월 13일
  19. 11월 12일

    Congressman Thompson’s statement regarding ’s comments on her attendance of a public hanging:

  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 11일

    .'s shameful remarks prove once again how Trump has created a climate that normalizes hateful, racist rhetoric from political candidates. We've seen this from Rob DeSantis & others this election season & denounce such mean spirited behavior.


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