Rep. Suzan DelBeneTài khoản được xác nhận


U.S. Congresswoman representing Washington's 1st Congressional District ()

Đã tham gia tháng 12 năm 2012


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  1. There is no time like the present. Congress should take up my bill to increase transparency and protect American consumers’ data.

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  3. As Trump’s quest to secure a wasteful border wall continues, many struggling families could lose vital nutrition assistance because of the shutdown. These families should not be the victims of the president’s reckless agenda.

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  4. Two innocent young children, Jakelin Caal and Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, have died in the custody of Customs and Border Protection. It is heartbreaking. We must have a full investigation to prevent more tragedies.

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  5. From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!

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  6. Wishing everyone in a safe, peaceful and joyous holiday.

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  7. Proud of my work with to bolster economic growth in the timber industry and aid rural communities across .

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  8. It’s not , but it is the last Saturday before Christmas! With holiday shopping wrapping up, take some time to visit local businesses.

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  9. Enough is enough. This president – whose party also controls the House & Senate – is incapable of passing a simple spending measure without manufacturing a needless crisis. It’s time for Trump to set aside his ego & do right by the people he serves.

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  10. With the rapid growth in our region, it’s critical that we expand transportation options for residents. This light rail is a major step, and I am proud to have worked with and to push for this funding.

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  11. Yesterday I participated in a project with the , commemorating the record number of women elected to the 116th Congress. I am proud to join these women and look forward to working with them next year!

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  12. President Trump couldn’t get work requirements in the Farm bill and now he is trying again, this time bypassing Congress. If we want to help struggling families, we must promote policies that expand economic opportunity, not strip nutrition assistance from low-income Americans.

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  13. đã Tweet lại

    Washington state: The holidays are around the corner, but signing up for quality, affordable health coverage ENDS TODAY! Call Customer Support at 855-923-4633 or visit to .

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  14. Pleased to see a comprehensive approach being proposed to address opioid misuse. Providing alternative pain treatments and programs that support families who are grappling with the issue is key to aiding communities.

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  15. The U.S. has been a beacon of hope for those seeking safety and a better life. I held a press conference earlier this year with asylees and will keep doing everything I can to ensure that the U.S. has fair and compassionate immigration policies.

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  16. Everyone deserves to have a safe, affordable place to call home. This is promising news for our state.

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  17. You can still sign up for a health care plan in WA state! Make sure to call 1-855-923-4633, no later than Thursday to find a plan for you and your family.

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  18. Congress needs to take up legislation like my bill to protect consumers’ private information. Companies and lawmakers must start showing the public they truly care about protecting Americans’ privacy online.

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  19. The more we learn, the worse it gets. Not only did Russia try to help Trump win the election, they tried to suppress the votes of African-Americans. We must let Mueller finish his work and protect our democracy.

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  20. The Trump administration isn’t properly spending the border security money Congress gave them. Why should we give them $5 billion for a wall that won’t make us any safer? This is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

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