Senator John CornynПодлинная учетная запись


Personally curated news I find interesting, pics, and opinions. Honored to represent the great state of Texas in the US Senate. RTs =/= endorsements

Austin, Texas
Дата регистрации: февраль 2008 г.


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  1. 14 минут назад

    The annexation of the Republic of Texas by the United States, approved by the U.S. Congress this day in 1845, sparked the Mexican War because land between the Rio Grande and the Nueces River was disputed territory.

  2. 37 минут назад

    "Studies generally suggest that, year after year, less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot." via

  3. 58 минут назад

    "Our belief remains a Special Counsel should be appointed to investigate not only the decisions made and not made during the pendency of these investigations, but also the disparate way these two investigations were seemingly conducted."

  4. 1 час назад

    Regarding the counterintelligence investigation: "Defensive briefings provided by the FBI to the 2016 candidates indicate differences between how the FBI treated former Secretary Clinton and how they treated then-candidate Trump."

  5. 1 час назад

    "coupled with the decision to publicly notify Congress her investigation had been re-opened, led to a belief among some Americans that the investigation and its aftermath cost her the November 2016 general election."

  6. 1 час назад

    Regarding the Clinton investigation: "Coupling the decision to make her investigation publicly known with the decision to speak freely and in detail on July 5, 2016, about someone who was not going to be charged, coupled with the delays in processing the Weiner computer,"

  7. 1 час назад

    Document: Goodlatte and Gowdy Letter Regarding Joint Investigation

  8. ретвитнул(а)
    2 часа назад

    FEMA rescinds initial guidance to stop issuing National Flood Insurance Program policies during its lapse in funding:"All NFIP insurers have been directed to resume normal operations immediately & advised the program will be considered operational since Dec 21 w/o interruption."

    Показать эту ветку
  9. 2 часа назад

    High-Tax State Exodus: Growth-friendly states gain population, and it isn’t just the weather. via

  10. ретвитнул(а)
    13 часов назад

    Thank you to all CA law enforcement officers who arrested this illegal criminal after brutally murdering a father & police officer the day after Christmas. This is just one more reason why Democrats need to work with to secure our border.

  11. ретвитнул(а)
    14 часов назад

    God rest the soul of this American hero.

  12. ретвитнул(а)
    28 дек.

    Chuck Schumer in 2009: -Americans don't like illegal immigration -"Illegal immigration is wrong" -People illegally in the U.S. are "illegal aliens," not "undocumented" -Border fence made the southern border "far more secure...created a significant barrier to illegal immigration"

  13. 18 часов назад

    'I'm not allowed to talk about that': Nancy Pelosi office stonewalls on her shutdown vacation in Hawaii

  14. 18 часов назад
  15. 18 часов назад

    More: “More and more laws are treating a fetus as a person, and a woman as less of one”

  16. 18 часов назад

    Sample: “The creation of the legal scaffolding for the idea that the fetus is a person has been the steady work of the anti-abortion movement, at the national level and in every state.”

  17. 18 часов назад

    Disturbing claim by NYT that an unborn child is not a person and has no rights: A Woman’s Rights - The New York Times

  18. 28 дек.

    So what is their brilliant strategy to get 60 votes in Senate and POTUS signature/veto override?Dems’ New Year’s resolution: Stiff Trump on the wall and reopen the government

  19. 28 дек.

    Inside Facebook’s Secret Rulebook for Global Political Speech

  20. ретвитнул(а)
    28 дек.

    Richard Overton, the oldest-living veteran, was born on May 11, 1906, the same year as the first wireless radio broadcast, and a year before Oklahoma became a state. He died Thursday at the age of 112.


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