Rep. Bonnie Watson ColemanПотвърден профил


Proudly serving the people of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District. Proud . Progressive Dem. Member of the . Co-Chair of .

New Jersey, USA
Регистриран през януари 2015 г.


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  1. Закачен туит

    When GOP was pushing a 2nd tax cut last month, I (and many others who know their tricks) said this was just a step in their plan to cut and . Now that their has exploded the deficit they've begun that process.

  2. ретуитна
    преди 13 часа

    passed away a year ago today 12.29.17. She's a hero whose work will live on for years to come. All of us associated w. 'The Rape of Recy Taylor' are honored to have shared her story with the world.

  3. ретуитна

    As Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus, another migrant child was dying on DHS Secretary Nielsen’s watch. She should resign immediately.

  4. ретуитна

    And a reminder...hypocrisy is a sin.

  5. ретуитна

    Enjoy the holiday season with the ones you love. Michelle and I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  6. 23.12
  7. ретуитна

    . rejects 100-0 Senate compromise he said he’d accept, manages only 47 Senate votes for Big Dumb Wall bill (48 w/ Pence), shuts down government. Chaos and incompetence reign.

    Показване на тази нишка
  8. 22.12

    We may disagree on what foreign policy to enact, but there can be no argument that our decisions should be based on the guidance of our intelligence agencies, our interests, and our values — not a foreign leader. ’s inability to lead will have dire consequences.

  9. 22.12

    The American people don’t support this wall, or the tactics Trump’s using to get it. Republicans and Democrats in Congress already passed a compromise, and I hope Trump will consider putting on his big boy pants and joining us so that we can re-open the government.

    Показване на тази нишка
  10. 22.12

    All told, 420,000 people will work without pay, and another 380,000 will be furloughed because of Trump’s tantrum.

    Показване на тази нишка
  11. 22.12

    Border patrol agents — the people doing the real work of securing the border Trump has feigns concern for — will be forced to work without pay. The same thing goes for air traffic controllers and TSA agents, correctional officers, and firefighters with the U.S. Forest Service.

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  12. 22.12

    We’ve entered the because of the President’s infantile demand for a wall that has been panned as an ineffective, wasteful, and unnecessary by nearly every border security expert you can find. Mexico was never going to pay for it, and taxpayers shouldn’t either.

    Показване на тази нишка
  13. 22.12

    I would be remiss not to call out how ludicrous this entire situation is. Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House — Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are in charge of the agenda and therefore responsible for the mess they’ve made.

    Показване на тази нишка
  14. 21.12

    Agreed. His tantrum is repugnant, but unsurprising. His treatment of working people — in this case federal workers — has followed this pattern for his whole term.

  15. 21.12

    Reminder: all this GOP chaos is for the fiscally irresponsible, morally reprehensible, physically useless that Americans don’t want and clearly rejected in November. Whether it’s made of steel slats or not.

  16. ретуитна

    A hurts the men & women who keep us safe: taking away paychecks from 41,000 federal law enforcement & corrections officers – plus nearly 90% of Homeland Security employees.

    Показване на тази нишка
  17. ретуитна

    ., you said you would be “proud” to shut down the government. You own this. Instead of throwing a tantrum over a single issue, agree to sign the bipartisan Senate-passed funding bill and let’s keep the government open.

  18. ретуитна

    Thousands of Americans may not receive their hard-earned paychecks right before Christmas because this president refuses to stop campaigning. My statement on Trump's demands for an ineffective and expensive government-built monument to bigotry:

  19. ретуитна

    “I am proud to shut down the government for border security... So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."

  20. 21.12

    Trump's would mean 150,000 Homeland Security Employees (including 54,000 Border Agents and 42,000 Coast Guard employees) would be working WITHOUT pay on Christmas. Is that his idea of border security?

  21. 21.12

    Donald, it was only 9 days ago. Remember? You said you'd be "proud" to shut down the government if you didn't get what you want.


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