Thomas MassieПідтверджений профіль


U.S. Representative for Kentucky's 4th District, Chairman 2nd Amendment Caucus, MIT '93 SB, '96 SM

Дата приєднання: листопад 2012


  1. 27 груд.

    I’ll just leave this right here with my hashtag...

  2. 25 груд.

    Why do so many Congressman go along to get along in DC? Turn up the volume and listen to grown adults, each paid $174,000/year, boo and groan when they are called to push little buttons and record their votes. Peer-pressure causes many votes to go unrecorded.

  3. 24 груд.
    У відповідь

    My platform of personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, economic freedom, and constitutionally limited government prevails in all 20 counties and garners 62% to 72% of the vote every election cycle. This plank is on my license plate if there’s any doubt.

  4. 23 груд.

    This pie is $4000 billion per year. $5 billion represents 5/4000 or 1/800th of this pie.

  5. 23 груд.

    Congrats ! I guess I’ll take 2nd. Where does your congressman/congresswoman stand on spending?

  6. 22 груд.
    У відповідь

    I’m above “ad hominem.” This was “ad caninem.”

  7. 22 груд.
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  8. 21 груд.

    For those who like a transparent legislature with recorded votes, Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁

  9. 20 груд.

    This is progress. Most of these bills were going to go by unanimous consent without knowledge of 99% of Congress - not even a voice vote! Now we will vote and members know a few hours in advance. Always amazes me how mad some get when asked to do their jobs - voting!

  10. 20 груд.

    The Constitution requires a quorum to do business, but Congress tends to run stuff through at the end of the year with almost no one on the floor. I’ve been on the floor for 6+ hours. My request: Tell us what bills we’re voting on and reinstate our power to decide matters of war.

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  11. 14 груд.

    If Congress doesn’t pass an Omnibus by Dec. 21st, we won’t have a government . It’d be hard to even characterize it as a government slowdown! I made this graphic to show what shuts down (less than 10%) and what keeps going (over 90%!). The media isn’t telling you this!

  12. 12 груд.

    I had to speak out. Late last night, the Rules committee issued a resolution for the Farm Bill that violates the Constitution & the War Powers Act of 1973. We vote on this resolution TODAY! My full floor speech can be found here -

  13. 12 груд.

    Does your Congressman know what’s hidden in a procedural vote on the Farm Bill today? Does he or she care? To avoid a debate on whether the US should be involved in a war in Yemen, today our leadership will trick members into suspending the provisions of the War Powers Act. SAD!

  14. 8 груд.

    Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District is well represented at the state cheer championships in Lexington. My daughter is here competing with the Lewis County Lions 🦁 . Pictures are of South Oldham Dragons🐉 Highlands Bluebirds 🐦 & Dixie Heights Colonels. Amazing athletic talent!

  15. 3 груд.
    У відповідь

    Long after I’m gone, I’m willing to bet you’ll still be engaged in deep intellectual discussions on twitter...

  16. 17 лист.
  17. 15 лист.
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  18. 14 лист.

    and I introduced a resolution to force a vote on US involvement in Yemen war. The War Powers Act requires a vote within 15 days of introduction. GOP leadership is preventing a vote by hiding language in a resolution for the Manage our Wolves Act. !

  19. 14 лист.

    My constituents deserve to know who got my vote for .

  20. 14 лист.
    У відповідь ,

    I love tweets that prove themselves false by their mere existence.

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