Jackie SpeierAkun terverifikasi


Fearless Fighter for women’s equality, LGBTQ rights & the disenfranchised. Proud mom of 2 kids & Lab Buddy, wife & Rep for CA14, America's economic powerhouse!

Bergabung Maret 2009


  1. 25 Des

    And as we turn to our families, friends, and neighbors to share our love and delight, here’s hoping the President learns the true meaning of strength and leadership on this most holy night.

  2. 25 Des

    He should trade in his Twitter for some holiday cheer, and embrace what we all hold near and dear.

  3. 25 Des

    The rest of our hardworking federal workforce must be paid too, they shouldn’t be forced to choose between paying bills or going to holidays do’s.

  4. 25 Des

    He must open the government without delay, so that he can pay the Customs and Border Patrol Agents working night and day.

  5. 25 Des

    He should send our military service members home to their families, not make them deploy at the southern border because of his self-inflicted political insanity.

  6. 25 Des

    I dressed in my red coat to go feed the troops, in hopes that would take a cue and do it too, instead of sitting in the White House all alone crying boo.

  7. 24 Des

    Stocking up on See's Candies to take to the troops in San Diego who aren't with their families this Christmas.

  8. 22 Des

    Nothing keeps down, not even cancer. Voting from her hospital bed on decision. Iconic.

  9. 15 Des

    6 yrs after , the unthinkable is so common that children practice hiding from shooters at school. Each time we fail to reject the NRA’s blood money/lies, we load the gun that’s used in the next shooting. For the kids who lost their futures, we must pass gun safety laws!

  10. 13 Des

    Today we passed by unanimous consent the CAA Reform Act to hold Members of Congress personally liable for sexual harassment & retaliation. This is how Congress is supposed to work - across the aisle to get the job done! ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦

  11. 12 Des

    Talking to the panel on the rampant problem of sexual harassment in the sciences and my bill to hold academics who prey on students and staff responsible for their vile actions. Too many bright minds have been driven away from the fields. This must stop!

  12. 7 Des

    I spoke w/ about Special Counsel Mueller questioning John Kelly about an obstruction investigation into 's attempt to fire Mueller and many other aspects of the investigations. via

  13. 6 Des

    First militarized and weaponized the lesser prairie chicken under the guise of "national security." Now the mask is finally off and we can see what it’s really about. "Drill baby, drill!"

    Tampilkan utas ini
  14. 30 Nov

    Talking to ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ about House Intel Committee’s plans to finish investigation in the new Congress.

  15. 30 Nov

    "Fires, floods, and natural disasters prove is real and we must take radical action NOW to become carbon neutral in the next 10 years. Ready to work with on a ."

  16. 29 Nov

    has been a hero in dealing with this issue and I'm proud to have him as a partner on this.

  17. 29 Nov

    has been a hero in dealing with this issue and I'm proud to have him as a partner on this issue.

  18. 29 Nov

    It's shameful that it's taken us so long to clean up the messes we've made. I'm proud to kick off the UXO Caucus to bring attention to this important issue.

  19. 27 Nov

    George Moscone's & Harvey Milk's legacy of fighting for equal rights & human dignity is more important than ever due to ' attacks on our communities. On this 40th anniversary of their murders, let's honor that legacy by fighting for the America they envisioned!

  20. 26 Nov

    Excited to talk with 120 students at Mission Dolores Academy. Impressed how much they know about turning bills into laws, great testament to teaching civics!

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