Senator Tom CarperTài khoản được xác nhận


Husband, father, proud veteran and former governor. U.S. Senator for Delaware and ranking member

Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2011
Sinh ngày 23 tháng 1


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  1. Wishing all those celebrating today a very ! Sending best wishes to you and your loved ones today, and hoping that the spirit of this season can help to renew and unite our world in the days and weeks to come

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  2. Trump wants America to think the is a fight about border security. In reality, he’s used less than 6% of funding already given to him for border security.

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  3. Some good news in the midst of the : my bipartisan bill that ensures the US will continue to lead in nuclear innovation cleared the House and is on its way to be signed into law. A good step in our fight against climate change.

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    Thanks to my Dem colleagues and , and across the aisle and for being my compadres on this.

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  5. Now has gotten what he said he wanted — a shutdown that puts our economy at risk and forces federal employees to work without pay just days before Christmas. The absolute least our government should be able to do is keep the lights on. Americans deserve better.

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  6. This shutdown could have easily been avoided. Two days ago, the entire Senate — 100 Democrats and Republicans — voted to fund the government at the exact same levels President Trump agreed to last year. But, once again, refused to take yes for an answer.

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  7. A means 54,000 Customs and Border Patrol officers – the agents who actually work to secure the border – will work without pay over Christmas. If was serious about border security, he wouldn’t shutdown the agency responsible for securing our borders

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  9. . says this fight is about border security. It is not. Over the last two years, Congress has appropriated $1.7 billion for border security. The Trump Administration has spent less than 6% of that funding.

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  10. Secretary Mattis is a real leader who understands that partnerships with our allies and principled stands against our adversaries make our country stronger. His resignation underscores the recklessness of President Trump's agenda, and it should give us all pause.

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  11. My bill with Senator incentivizes replacing these old wood heaters with newer, clean-burning ones - protecting public health and creating new jobs in the process

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  12. Outdated, inefficient woodstoves are the 2nd biggest source of particulate matter pollution in Delaware – increasing asthma attacks, lung damage and other respiratory problems throughout the state

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  13. The bill - named the Coastal Barrier Resources Act - makes a common sense fix to allow Delaware homeowners to access the flood insurance they should be entitled to. It also saves money, keeps people & property safe & conserves natural resources.

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  14. NEWS: Late last night, we got a major win for Delawareans! A bill I worked on with and to secure an important fix for coastal communities, including North Bethany Beach, passed the Senate unanimously

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    I’m on the Senate floor with my climate champion colleagues and to speak about the just-concluded international climate negotiations in Poland, . Watch live:

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  16. A week after , I’m joining my partners and to demand bolder, quicker action to combat the real and present crisis of . Watch LIVE here:

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  17. Today and I sent a letter demanding details on why , and the so clearly put oil industry profits above the interests of consumers, American autoworkers and environmental quality.

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  18. Now we know what this Administration was listening to as it gutted commonsense standards: A covert lobbying campaign designed to juice demand for gasoline. And it was orchestrated by – you guessed it – oil industry groups.

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  19. I’m with my friend : After months of talk and “assurances,” must quit the slow-walking and finalize its ban on methylene chloride

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  20. Methylene chloride paint strippers present well-known, deadly health impacts - and have no place on the shelves of American stores

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