Richard BlumenthalAccount verificato


Official Twitter account of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, proudly working for the people of Connecticut.

Connecticut, USA
Iscrizione a aprile 2011


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  1. Laggard & lagging, FTC’s snail’s pace Facebook investigation may grind to a halt, giving a pass to blatant lawbreaking. Penalties, court orders & other sanctions are long overdue for Facebook’s consent decree privacy violations. FTC’s credibility at stake.

  2. 28 dic

    These highlight the serious impact the is having on Americans everywhere. Trump’s positioning for a “very long” shutdown disregards the struggle & sacrifice many families are currently making.

  3. 27 dic

    Lockdowns leave lasting scars—another evil effect of our gun violence epidemic. Every Congressmember should join in a school lockdown—see what it does to children. End it’s complicit inaction.

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  4. 27 dic

    This pain is real—children's pain in classrooms, at the borders, in homeless shelters, & more. Threats of gun violence, hunger, & family separation leave lasting scars. Let’s put children in our New Year’s resolutions.

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  5. 26 dic

    Trump will be lucky if history rates him even close to Hoover. Panic & conflict will be his legacy. The stock market is the canary in the mine, among other warning signs.

  6. 26 dic

    Spy technology tools like facial recognition bring big brother nightmares even closer—making privacy protection imperative. ASAP the new Congress must act.

  7. 25 dic

    Tragedy knows no holidays— & Trump immigration officials must be held accountable for this one. CBP leaders assured us of strong new precautions. Too little, too late, evidently. Senate Judiciary Committee must get the facts, now.

  8. 24 dic

    Chaos. It’s great show business, which is why Trump loves it. But it’s ruinous for the economy & financial markets, national security, foreign policy, most everything that matters. Chaos corrodes democracy.

  9. 24 dic

    The unavoidable question for Patrick Shanahan is whether he has the conscience & courage to stand up for Mattis’ vital principles & policies. If not, he’ll be complicit in Trump’s destructive course.

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  10. 24 dic

    Trump’s firing Mattis after he’s already resigned adds insult to injury—to him & all America’s military. They & our nation need & deserve better.

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  11. 23 dic

    I will donate all my Senate pay to Homes For The Brave (), a charity doing so much for CT veterans, as long as the lasts—recognizing the sacrifices of all Americans, especially dedicated (unpaid) federal workers.

  12. 22 dic

    Unique among Trump departures, Secretary Mattis has (1) resigned, (2) on principle, (3) with deep impact, (4) without being disgraced, (5) having served with distinction. A sound record, in a sad dysfunctional administration. Thank you, General.

  13. 22 dic

    The new Congress offers a historic opportunity & new front in the fight for commonsense gun violence prevention—background checks, a red flag statute, & more. Courage!

  14. 22 dic

    Our taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for a hateful, ineffectual Trump vanity project that he promised Mexico would fund— & he’s now making Americans pay for his impetuous, prideful shutdown, too.

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  15. 22 dic

    Right wing press puppet Trump owns this Trump shutdown—a shameful tribute to his petulant rejection of unanimously approved bipartisan Senate solution that the House supported & his own VP said he would sign.

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  16. 22 dic

    More devastating damning evidence of Michigan State’s culpability in abuse: clean house & throw the book at them.

  17. 22 dic

    With $12.8B investment from Altria, Juul is officially part of Big Tobacco. Both peddle dangerous products & profit by luring people into a lifetime of addiction. FDA must stand tough & act decisively to ban flavored e-cigs & end the scourge of tobacco.

  18. 21 dic

    Incoming Commander LTG McKenzie emphasized diplomacy in midst of military stalemate in Afghanistan. Peace negotiations & security conditions cannot be compromised by a reckless withdrawal.

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  19. 21 dic

    No policy, no strategy, no respect for national security experts or expertise—impetuous withdrawals first from Syria, now Afghanistan, endanger America.

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  20. 21 dic

    Presidential free fall. Riding Amtrak back to the Senate vote, the only firm tracks seem to be the ones under the train. Bipartisan leadership must restore rational governing abandoned by an impetuous, petulant chief executive.


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