Adam SchiffBeripikadong account


Representing California's 28th Congressional District and Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Burbank, CA
Sumali noong Abril 2009

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  1. Dis 30, 2018

    What Trump said then: Mexico will pay for the wall. I promise. I am proud to shut down the government for border security. I will be the one to shut it down. What he says now: Taxpayers must pay for the wall. The Democrats own the shutdown. Promise made. Promises broken.

  2. Dis 28, 2018

    This is how the House Republican effort to undermine Mueller by “investigating the investigators” ends. Not with a bang, but with a Friday, buried-in-the-holidays whimper, and one foot out the door.

  3. Dis 27, 2018

    All government workers in the affected agencies are impacted, Mr. President. Both Democrats and Republicans. Their car payments, rent and mortgage payments, food and medicine bills do not distinguish by party. Your ill-considered shutdown hurts them all.

  4. Dis 26, 2018

    For the second time in as many months, a child has died in the custody of border control authorities. Felipe Gómez Alonzo was only 8 years old. We will investigate this tragic death and that of Jakelin Caal Maquin, but the Administration’s cruel border policy needs to end. Now.

  5. Dis 25, 2018

    To all who are celebrating today, wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas. Here’s hoping you have a safe and joyous holiday with your friends and loved ones.

  6. Dis 23, 2018

    I am pleased to announce that our very talented (fill in the blank) will assume the duties of the more talented (fill in the blank) until they are in turned replaced by the still less talented (fill in the blank). He will be great!

  7. Dis 23, 2018

    Ethics officials recommended Whitaker recuse himself from the Mueller investigation. He refused. Now any decision he makes is tainted. Attorneys must recuse themselves if there's even an appearance of conflict. Anything less jeopardizes public confidence in the rule of law.

  8. Dis 21, 2018

    The President of the United States should not be discussing any criminal case in which he has been implicated with the Acting Attorney General. This is wrong, unethical and eviscerates post-Watergate policy. Whitaker should not need an ethics opinion to know this is inexcusable.

  9. Dis 21, 2018

    Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. He said it over and over again. He assured voters they would not be stuck with the bill. He broke that promise. When he met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, he said he would shut down the government. Sadly, he’s keeping that one.

  10. Dis 20, 2018

    Old Marines never die, but they do resign after the President ignores their advice, betrays our allies, rewards our enemies, and puts the nation’s security at risk. Turn out the lights when Mattis leaves; we will not see his like again while Trump remains in office.

  11. Dis 20, 2018

    Absent an iron-clad commitment to recuse himself from the Russia probe and obstruction of justice issue, this memo should disqualify Barr from consideration. Senators must not blind themselves to Trump’s illicit purpose in choosing the acting Attorney General and his replacement.

  12. Dis 20, 2018

    This is patently false and dangerously naive. These hostile nations are delighted by the U.S. withdrawal and betrayal of our regional partners. The rash decision, despite opposition from Mattis and others, means our allies will not trust us and our enemies will not fear us.

  13. Dis 20, 2018

    This ethics opinion must be shared with Congress. Now. DOJ officials must avoid not only actual impropriety but the appearance of impropriety. Given Whitaker’s prejudicial comments about Mueller, the public can have no confidence in him. We will scrutinize his every action.

  14. Dis 18, 2018

    After the judge acknowledged the seriousness of Flynn’s conduct, he has allowed Trump’s former National Security Advisor to defer sentencing until after he has fully cooperated with the government. It will be important that Flynn also cooperate with our Committee and testify.

  15. Dis 18, 2018

    The NY AG found unlawful coordination between the Trump Foundation and Trump campaign. SDNY found Individual 1 directed unlawful coordination of hush money payments. We must continue to investigate whether the campaign’s unlawful coordination extended to the Russians.

  16. Dis 18, 2018
  17. Dis 17, 2018

    Russian efforts to manipulate Americans through social media are sophisticated, cynical, effective and very much ongoing. Russia seeks to divide us among racial, ethnic and political fault lines. Every concerned American should read these new reports:

  18. Dis 16, 2018

    Today, the President’s current lawyer said this of his last lawyer: He lies to fit the situation he’s in; He talked to a dozen reporters and lied and deceived them; He’s changed his story three or four times; He’s a serial liar. What about the guy that hired them both?

  19. Dis 16, 2018

    Trump has sought to draw a red line around his business and make it off limits to investigation. But his business was trying to curry favor with the Kremlin, and we can’t ignore that. If there is any financial compromise, it would be negligent not to investigate and expose it.

  20. Dis 15, 2018

    We’re going to do our job and follow the facts wherever they lead. At the end of the day, we need to know that the President of the United States is acting in the national interest and not for another purpose. That’s what the American people expect of us and what we must deliver.


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