House Foreign Affairs Committee DemocratsTài khoản được xác nhận


Eliot L. Engel (), Ranking Member House Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives.

Washington, DC
Đã tham gia tháng 7 năm 2009

Phương tiện

  1. ICYMI: Last night, Ranking Member joined on to discuss the resignation and the Trump Administration's withdrawals from and .

  2. Ranking Member demands answers: transferred U.S. military vehicles to Guatemala, even after the Guatemalan government misused U.S.-donated armed vehicles to intimidate U.S. and U.N. personnel earlier this year. Read more here:

  3. Ranking Member : Met with impressive young activists from this week, including Agnes Chow and Nathan Law . Their efforts to bring political reform and protect civil liberties in are truly inspiring.

  4. RM : I stand with the more than 20 European Parliamentarians who consider it vital that visa liberalization be granted to Kosovo.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  5. Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  6. RM : Enjoyed mtg with PM this morning. We discussed need for Admin to implement Strategy mandated by legislation I authored.

  7. Ranking Member demands answers on the Trump Admini. use of tear gas in Mexico. Read his letter to Secretary of State Pompeo here:

  8. RM , , , , and 's bipartisan bill, the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act, passed the House yesterday. Read the joint release here:

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