House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats认证账号


Eliot L. Engel (), Ranking Member House Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives.

Washington, DC
加入于 2009年7月


  1. ICYMI: Last night, Ranking Member joined on to discuss the resignation and the Trump Administration's withdrawals from and .

  2. Ranking Member demands answers: transferred U.S. military vehicles to Guatemala, even after the Guatemalan government misused U.S.-donated armed vehicles to intimidate U.S. and U.N. personnel earlier this year. Read more here:

  3. Ranking Member : Met with impressive young activists from this week, including Agnes Chow and Nathan Law . Their efforts to bring political reform and protect civil liberties in are truly inspiring.

  4. RM : I stand with the more than 20 European Parliamentarians who consider it vital that visa liberalization be granted to Kosovo.

  5. 显示这个主题帖
  6. RM : Enjoyed mtg with PM this morning. We discussed need for Admin to implement Strategy mandated by legislation I authored.

  7. Ranking Member demands answers on the Trump Admini. use of tear gas in Mexico. Read his letter to Secretary of State Pompeo here:

  8. RM , , , , and 's bipartisan bill, the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act, passed the House yesterday. Read the joint release here:


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