Gus BilirakisVerifizierter Account


Congressman for Florida’s 12th Congressional District, Committees:

Palm Harbor, Fla.
Beigetreten März 2009


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  1. 22. Dez. 2018

    I know this is an issue that is near and dear to your family. The Congenital Heart Futures Act was just signed into law. Better research = better cures. This is good news for all CHD patients.

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  2. 22. Dez. 2018

    President Trump just signed my Congenital Heart Futures Act into law. This is the 26th bill I've authored which has become law since 2015. Click below to watch me speak about this life-saving legislation on the House Floor.

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  3. 20. Dez. 2018
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  4. 20. Dez. 2018

    Thank you, Amy. I'm thrilled we were able to get this bill across the finish line. I truly believe it will save lives.

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  5. 20. Dez. 2018

    I was honored to speak on the House Floor. As you know, this is a very personal fight for me. I am very glad this bill is now headed to the President to become law. It is critical.

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  6. 18. Dez. 2018

    Thank you Maria for being such a tireless champion in the fight against Alzheimer's

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    14. Dez. 2018

    Thank you for your support of the investing in a public health infrastructure to combat the urgent public health crisis posed by Alzheimer’s. Please urge to bring this important bipartisan bill to the House floor for a vote!

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  8. 12. Dez. 2018

    ICYMI- Nothing can bring back my constituent, Carrie Dempsey, who died in this tragedy—but we can and must work together to address gaps in safety precautions and prevent future loss of life.

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  9. 11. Dez. 2018

    National security is too important to be used as a political football. Border security is essential to national security and we need to fund the Department of Homeland Security at a level necessary to protect all Americans.

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  10. 11. Dez. 2018

    Congratulations to my constituent, Catherine Tomasello, creator of an award winning video designed to raise awareness about the need to protect intellectual property through the patent process. Her video is both engaging and educational.

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  11. 7. Dez. 2018

    Today, we honor the memory of those brave men and women who lost their lives during the attack on Pearl Harbor. We must never forget their service and sacrifice – truly the Greatest Generation!

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  12. 29. Nov. 2018

    New reports show that U.S. consumer spending and personal incomes continued to rise last month, which is yet another indication that our economy is headed in the right direction.

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  13. 29. Nov. 2018

    I was happy to vote for final passage of the Action for Dental Health Act of 2018, which I co-sponsored. This important bill improves oral health education and dental disease prevention while reducing the use of the emergency room to treat dental pain.

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  14. 29. Nov. 2018

    I was proud to vote for the Strengthening Healthcare Fraud Prevention Task Force Act, which passed the House. Recently, my bill to increase the civil and criminal penalties for Medicare/Medicaid fraud became law. Fighting fraud helps ensure the sustainability of these programs.

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  15. 29. Nov. 2018

    Florida has been ranked as the best state for broadband deployment by a new RStreet report. This shows how our state will lead the development of next generation Internet services which will bring additional jobs, revenue, and amenities to our area.

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  16. 27. Nov. 2018

    NFIP is set to expire on Friday. Many of my constituents rely on this program, and it is vital to both our local economy and housing market. Last year, the House passed a bill to reform and extend NFIP, but the Senate has not yet taken action. I urge them to do so ASAP!

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  17. 25. Okt. 2018

    I enjoyed speaking to students in the AVID program at Martinez Middle School this week. These bright young leaders had great questions about the process of applying to a Military Service Academy, and about my role as their elected representative.

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  18. 25. Okt. 2018

    I enjoyed visiting North Tampa Behavioral Health in Wesley Chapel. It is one of the local providers of mental health and substance abuse treatment in our community. We discussed additional needs that exist as we remove barriers to accessing treatment.

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    24. Okt. 2018

    Thank you to Congressman Bilirakis for taking time out of your schedule to speak to our AVID class yesterday. We greatly appreciate you.

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  20. 25. Okt. 2018

    Yesterday's bill signing ceremony marked the 25th initiative I have written to become law since 2015. These laws may not be the flashiest, headline-grabbing initiatives, but they are improving the lives of millions of Americans. #25

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