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Region III: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV

After FEMA was formed in 1979, Region III consolidated its Philadelphia offices in the Curtis Building on Independence Square, working from that location until 1985. In July 1999, Region III moved to its current location at One Independence Mall.

Regional Administrator MaryAnn Tierney leads the Region III office, where close to 200 full-time employees support the region's response and recovery operations during a presidential disaster declaration.

The regional population ranges from densely urban in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia to sparsely rural in the hills and valleys of West Virginia. The region is rich in history, with four of the original 13 colonies and the nation's capital.

Our Region

This is a graphic of FEMA Region III, which includes the State of Delaware, the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Washington, DC., the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the State of West Virginia. FEMA Region III is based out of Philadelphia.

FEMA Region III works closely with the emergency management agencies of the State of Delaware, District of Columbia, State of Maryland, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, and State of West Virginia to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. To help accomplish its mission, Region III maintains strong partnerships through its councils - the Regional Interagency Steering Committee (RISC), the Regional Advisory Council (RAC), and the Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECCWG). To learn more, please see more About Us and our Division pages.

Office of the Regional Administrator

Regional Administrator: MaryAnn Tierney
Deputy Regional Administrator: Janice Barlow

Key Partners


Delaware Emergency Management Agency
165 Brick Store Landing Road
Smyrna, Delaware 19977
Phone: (302) 659-3362
Fax: (302) 659-6855

District of Columbia

District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency
2720 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Second Floor
Washington, D.C. 20032
Phone: (202) 727-6161
Fax: (202) 673-2290


Maryland Emergency Management Agency
Camp Fretterd Military Reservation
5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive
Reistertown, Maryland 21136
Phone: (410) 517-3600
Toll Free: (877) 636-2872
Fax: (410) 517-3610


Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
1310 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg PA 17110-9463
Phone: (717) 651-2001
Fax: (717) 651-2040


Virginia Department of Emergency Management
10501 Trade Court
Richmond, VA 23236-3713
Phone: (804) 897-6502
Fax: (804) 897-6506

West Virginia

West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
1703 Coonskin Drive
Charleston, West Virginia 25311
Phone: (304) 558-5380
Fax: (304) 344-4538

Regional Interagency Steering Committee, the Regional Advisory Council, the Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group, and Private Sector Engagement

The Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006, which was signed into law by President Bush on October 4, 2006, called for a major transformation of FEMA. On the regional level, two new entities were implemented to enhance communications and preparedness for future disasters: the Regional Advisory Council and the Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group.

Regional Interagency Steering Committee (RISC)

The Regional Interagency Steering Committee is the senior level entity that coordinates responsibilities, resolves operational and preparedness issues relating to the interagency response and recovery activities at the Federal Regional level, and provides planning guidance and oversight for the development of interagency response and recovery focused plans and activities.

Regional Advisory Council (RAC)

Established in 2007, the Regional Advisory Council (RAC) advises the Regional Administrator on emergency management issues specific to the region. The Council ensures effective and ongoing coordination of activities involving federal preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation for natural and manmade disasters. Members serve staggered lengths, with the maximum being three years.

To learn more please visit www.FEMA.gov/Region-III-Regional-Advisory-Council.

Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECCWG)

The Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECCWG) serves as the single, regional coordination point for emergency communications preparedness, response, and recovery for federal, state, and local governments within Region III. This group also provides tactical disaster emergency communications capabilities to support all-hazards disaster response and recovery and national security emergency requirements in the Region and among other regions as needed.

The RECCWG reports to the Regional Administrator and is led by the Disaster Emergency Communications Coordinator.

Private Sector

FEMA Region III coordinates closely with the Private Sector to ensure the sharing of information and engagement during steady state and disaster response and recovery. This is achieved through the Regional Business Emergency Operations Center (RBEOC), which is managed by External Affairs. The RBEOC empowers two way information sharing between the public and private sectors through a standardized process and membership from private sector entities representing multiple critical sectors.

Disaster Declarations

In recent memory, the region has experienced disaster declarations for hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, wildfires, winter storms, and earthquakes. After a declared disaster, a unique webpage is developed to keep everyone apprised of response and recovery efforts. Please visit the Disaster Declarations page for more information.

The following is a list of recent presidentially-declared disasters in Region III:

For additional information, please visit each link above or contact us.

Events Calendar


Flood Insurance Roundtable in Virginia (December 4, 2018)

Mass Care Exercise in Maryland (December 4 - 5, 2018)

Impacts of Flood Map Changes on Insurance Workshop in Pennsylvania (December 10, 2018)

Silver Phoenix Recovery Exercise (December 11 - 12, 2018)

What's New

Preparedness Toolkits  

The following toolkits are also available at www.Ready.gov/calendar:


For the latest FEMA Region III news and press releases, please visit our news page, or search by region or state at FEMA News Releases.

Doing Business with FEMA

To assist companies and businesses in doing business with FEMA, the Industry Liaison Program (ILP) was established. The ILP creates strategic relationships with suppliers and stakeholders; serves as an information provider for suppliers seeking to do business with FEMA; and connects suppliers with program offices in support of FEMA’s mission.

FEMA also maintains a Small Business Program to assist small businesses in their pursuit of federal procurements and continuous learning of small business programs to include policies and procedures that affect small business federal contracting.


1. Register with the System for Award Management (SAM)

  • What is SAM? The System for Award Management (SAM) is combining federal procurement systems and the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance into one new system. Official Federal Government registration is processed within SAM (www.sam.gov). Please direct all questions regarding the SAM registration process to the SAM Service Desk at 1 (866) 606-8220.

2. Complete a FEMA Vendor Profile form*

  • The vendor profile form is voluntary, but can serve as supplemental market research for FEMA. Information supplied should not be proprietary or sensitive in nature. Please be specific about how your products and / or service can support FEMA’s mission. Complete the FEMA Vendor Profile form and send to the ILP at fema-industry@fema.dhs.gov.

3. View Opportunities via the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website

  • Monitor the FBO site (FedBizOpps) for opportunities and postings.

*Please note: submission of the vendor profile form does not place you on a preferred list of vendors to be considered for procurements.

Speaker Requests

If you are interested in having a FEMA Region III subject matter expert speak at an event, please contact FEMAR3NewsDesk@fema.dhs.gov, including the subject line 'Speaker's Bureau Request.'

Please complete the Speaker's Bureau Request Form (linked below) and send to Region III. Complete Sections 1 and 2.

  SizePublication Date
Icon for file of type application/pdfSpeaker's Bureau Request Form90 KBFebruary 27, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why do I need to purchase flood insurance? My house has never flooded!

You may never have experienced the kind of significant flooding that FEMA is required to map. You may also be surprised how quickly people forget about past floods. Flood insurance is required for any property in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), or floodplain, which has a federally backed mortgage. When creating the flood maps we consider historic data, scientific studies such as hydraulic and hydrologic studies, stream flow data, and topographic data to determine where the water will go during a 1% annual chance flood event (also referred to as the 100 year flood).

Flood insurance is based on risk, and the 1% annual chance flood could occur multiple times a year, even outside of a major storm or hurricane. We encourage you to talk to your insurance agent about premium options, as well as to consider mitigating the risk to your property.

In addition to the federal requirement, a lender may require insurance even if the property is not located in a floodplain. However, rates are cheaper for properties not located in the floodplain.

2. My house is incorrectly mapped on the flood map. How can I change that?

FEMA’s maps are created using the best available data; however, the maps are limited in terms of scale. Property-specific data may help to refine the maps. To change the flood hazard designation for properties in these Special Flood Hazard Areas, FEMA has established the LOMA process for properties elevated on naturally high ground above the base flood elevation (BFE).  More information on this process may be found at https://www.fema.gov/letter-map-amendment-letter-map-revision-based-fill-process.

3. My neighbor has much cheaper flood insurance than I do, even though our houses are nearly level. How can this be?

Every property is different, and the proximity to the flood zone or building characteristics play a part in the calculation of premiums, as well as types of coverage and deductible amounts. We encourage you to contact your insurance agent to ask how your premium was calculated and to see if there are any other lower-cost options that might be right for you.

You also may want to consider taking mitigation actions to reduce your risk, such as raising utilities or installing flood openings. More information can be found in Protecting Your Home and Property from Flood Damage.

4. How much does the Letter of Map Amendment cost?

There is no cost to submit a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA); however, there may be a cost to obtain an Elevation Certificate from a licensed surveyor or engineer. 

5. Where can I view my floodplain map?

You can view the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and other flood mapping products through the Map Service Center (MSC) or by visiting your local community government office.

6. My insurance premiums are high! What can I do to lower my premiums and flood risk?

Insurance premiums are based on risk; the first step is to talk to your insurance agent about your premiums and the rating for your policy. You may also wish to work with your insurance agent to ensure your rating is accurate based upon the flood zone designation and elevations specific to your property.

In addition, consider pursuing mitigation actions to reduce your risk to flooding. Actions such as retrofitting, installing flood openings, raising utilities, or elevating your property can all potentially reduce the flood risk to your property. FEMA also offers grants to assist with local mitigation efforts. Talk to your local emergency manager or floodplain manager to learn more about your eligibility for any Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants.

7. What is the status of my Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG)?

The panel reviews for the FY17 AFG awards took place earlier this year, around the end of January, and we are beginning the first round of awards this week. The award announcements will continue on a weekly, rolling basis until all of the FY176 AFG program funding has been exhausted. The award cycle will conclude by mid-September.

As the awards get underway, an application remains “pending” until it is either awarded or turned down. The award list on our website is updated a week behind each round of awards, in order to allow time for notifications to be made.

Career Opportunities

Interested in a career with FEMA? Visit https://careers.fema.gov/ for information on working at FEMA, and check out and apply for open positions at USAJobs (https://www.usajobs.gov/). You can also contact us.

Contact Us

For contact information for Region III, please see our Contact Us page.

Mailing Address

Federal Emergency Management Agency
615 Chestnut Street
One Independence Mall, Sixth Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404

Phone: (215) 931-5500

If you are a member of the media, please contact the Region III News Desk:

Phone: (215) 931-5597

Email: femar3newsdesk@fema.dhs.gov

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Last Updated: 
12/04/2018 - 08:53