1. OVERVIEW (9/2014)

Your privacy is of the highest concern to the United States Mint. This Privacy Policy Statement covers the entire United States Mint Web site, including the online store and the informational section. When we refer to the online store, we mean “catalog.usmint.gov”, the part of our Web site where we offer our numismatic products for sale and offer related services such as promotional/informational electronic newsletters. When we refer to the informational section of our Web site, we mean “www.usmint.gov”, the part of our Web site where we provide information on the United States Mint and its circulating coins and numismatic programs (including collecting basics, material for educators, sales data and FOIA reading room materials). When we refer to the Web site, we mean both the informational section and the online store. When we refer to a purchase via a United State Mint retail point of sale, we mean only sales made directly by the United States Mint to the public over the counter at the United States Mint headquarters in Washington, DC, and at sales conventions where the United States Mint is onsite selling product directly, not by private companies that purchase products from United States Mint and resell them to the public (such as the operators of the retail sales shops at our Philadelphia and Denver facilities), whether or not under contract with the United States Mint.

To serve you better, we have updated our electronic commerce system, including the online store and other sales-related services (such as order processing and fulfillment). As a result, we have made important changes in our data collection and use practices, so we encourage you to read through this policy carefully before interacting with our website. As we continually strive to improve our online services, our information practices may continue to evolve, so please check back here often for changes to our Privacy Statement.


The United States Mint Web site is an official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. For Web site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software that can monitor network traffic and identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. Uploading or changing information, or attempting to upload or change information, on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, this monitoring and auditing is not used to identify individual users or their usage habits.

As a government agency, the United States Mint is committed to the security of its information systems. The United States Mint maintains a robust information security program. United States Mint information systems are safeguarded by an interlocking matrix of technical, operational and management controls designed to prevent any compromise of information confidentiality, integrity or availability. The United States Mint reviews and tests these security controls as part of an ongoing process to ensure that personally identifiable information about the public is protected as it is being processed, when it is transmitted, and while it is being stored on any United States Mint information technology system. Electronic customer data are stored in electronic databases in physically secured facilities with restricted access that is further controlled by user authentication protocols.

If you choose to transmit or receive personal information electronically (such as by email), your information must travel over the Internet to reach its destination. You should be aware that we cannot guarantee confidentiality across the Internet. Many browsers support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a communications protocol which encrypts data transferred between your browser and a Web server. The United States Mint offers SSL encryption for credit card purchases from our online store. You also may purchase our products by telephone at 1-800-USA-MINT (1-800-872-6468), by mail order, directly from a United State Mint retail point of sale at our Washington, DC, headquarters or at an event at which we have a mobile retail sales presence, and from one of the contractor-operated sales kiosks at our facilities in Philadelphia, PA, or Denver, CO (not United State Mint retail points of sale, but contractor operated shops).


The United States Mint does not attempt to collect personally identifiable information online from children under the age of 13. In accordance with our Terms of Use, by submitting personally-identifiable information to the United States Mint—such as your email address, name, or postal address—you are warranting that you are 18 years of age or older. Additionally, before making an online purchase, creating an online account, or subscribing to our electronic newsletters Product and Promotion Updates, Lessons That Make Cents, News Releases or Coins Online, you will be asked to expressly confirm that you are at least 18 years old.


The United States Mint uses software to create summary Web site statistics. We store and use these statistics to manage and improve our Web site and the services we offer. Except in authorized law enforcement investigations, we do not use our security and system monitoring software, online store’s chat application, or online store’s Web measurement applications (unless you opt-in to online store data collections and uses) to identify you or to associate you with your personal usage habits. If you visit our Web site solely to read or download information—and do not provide personally identifying information or opt-in to certain data collections and uses (by purchasing online, creating an account or subscribing to a newsletter)—we collect and store as anonymous only the following:

  • Networking: the domain you use to access the Internet and connection speed
  • When/Where: the date, time, and region from which you access our website
  • Content: pages you visited and files you downloaded on our website
  • Referrer: the Internet address of a website that may have referred you (linked) to our website
  • Device/Browser: technical information about the computer or device you use to access our website (e.g., operating system, screen resolution and color, Flash/Java support, and language).


A variety of Web measurement tools and applications we use collect and manage the above information, including security and system monitoring software, the third-party Google Web measurement service Google Analytics, and IBM Digital Analytics and AgilOne Omni-Channel applications served by our ecommerce contractor.

IP addresses: If you visit our Web site, Google Analytics has been implemented by the United States Mint so that it masks a portion of the IP address of the computer or device you use to access our Web site before the address is stored by the application. If you visit our online store to browse or to make an online purchase, create an online account, or subscribe to one of our four electronic newsletters, the IBM Digital Analytics, Live Chat and AgilOne Omni-Channel applications served by our ecommerce contractor will collect only part of the IP address of the computer or device you use to access our website.

Full IP addresses are collected by our security and system monitoring software, without using multi-session technology.

If you would like to disable cookies on your Web browser and delete existing United States Mint cookies from your computer, our system will treat your computer and browsing as anonymous and will not recognize your computer when you return to our Web site. For information on disabling cookies on your Web browser, please see Section 5b. Web Measurement and Customization: Alternatives in this Privacy Policy Statement.


a. Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies

Some parts of our Web site use Web measurement and customization technologies such as tags and “cookies”—small files placed on your computer’s drive when you access a Web site. We use three types:

(1) Single session. These expire when you close your browser, and then are automatically deleted from your computer. We use them to improve navigation and keep you connected to our Web site (e.g. to retain online shopping cart information until you complete your transaction).Our customer satisfaction survey provider, ForeSee, also uses two session cookies on our online store and the information section of our Web site (other than the children’s and educators’ sections) to operate surveys we offer to visitors, without collecting IP addresses (e.g. to manage sampling and control elements such as date and number of pages viewed). Session cookies served on our Web site are not used to collect personally identifiable information, and we do not share data collected from them. Our use of these technologies is “Tier 1” according toOffice of Management and Budget Memorandum 10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies (OMB M-10-22).

(2) Multi-session without personally identifiable information (PII). These remember your computer (but not you personally) and browsing on our website through multiple visits. We use them in several ways:

  • We use applications such as Demandware (electronic commerce Web platform), IBM Digital Analytics and AgilOne Omni-Channel through our ecommerce contractor, PFSweb, Inc. If you have cookies enabled on your browser, these applications collect, store and manage computer and browsing information anonymously when you visit our online store. They collect only a part of your IP address, and do not collect personally identifiable information, or connect anonymous information with you unless you have affirmatively indicated that you wish to opt-in to allow Tier 3 personalized data collection and use (when you create an online shopping account, purchase online as a guest, or subscribe to a promotional/informational email newsletter). If you have not opted-in, we use this information to recognize your computer when you visit our online store, analyze browsing on our online store and observe trends, make product recommendations based on those trends to visitors to our online store and improve our online shopping experience generally. For visitors who have not opted-in, this use of multi-session technology is “Tier 2” as that term is described in OMB Memo M-10-22.
  • We also use the third-party Google Web measurement service Google Analytics. When you visit the informational part of our Web site or our online store, Google Analytics anonymously collects and analyzes your browsing. It masks your IP address, does not collect personally identifiable information, and its cookies are set to expire after a period of time from your last visit to our Web site. After they expire, these cookies are automatically deleted from your computer. Data collected by Google Analytics is automatically sent to Google's system and is immediately aggregated in a manner that does not identify any individual user. We receive Web measurement reports with statistics from Google Analytics that do not identify who you are. Neither Google Analytics nor the United States Mint is able to identify you by using such technologies. The data collected is only retained for as long as is needed to analyze and optimize our Web site and is accessible only to employees whose position necessitates it. This use is “Tier 2” according to OMB Memo M-10-22.
  • We use a third-party service, ForeSee, to manage our government customer satisfaction surveys on our online store and the information section of our website (other than the children’s and educators’ sections). In addition to its two session cookies, ForeSee uses a persistent cookie that prevents the same visitor from being presented with another survey invitation for a specified period of time. These cookies expire at a set time and are automatically deleted. They do not collect personally identifiable information or identify you personally, and do not collect IP addresses. This use is “Tier 2” according to OMB Memo M-10-22.

(3) Multi-session with PII. We use these to provide you with a modern, convenient, and customized online shopping and email subscription service. They remember the way you interact with our Web site through multiple visits, and can collect personally identifiable information about you or allow us to recognize you (not just your computer). This use is “Tier 3” as that term is used in OMB M-10-22. As required by OMB M-10-22 and United States Department of the Treasury directives, we have received the necessary permission for each “Tier 3” use described below from the United States Department of the Treasury Chief Information Officer, and have provided the required notice on the United States Department of the Treasury Open Government Web site.

Through our electronic commerce contractor, we use several applications (including Demandware, ExactTarget, IBM Digital Analytics and AgilOne Omni-Channel) that can collect or manage personally identifiable information or enable the United States Mint to recognize you if you take certain actions:

(a) If you subscribe to our electronic newsletters Product and Promotion Updates, Lessons That Make Cents, News Releases, or Coins Online—

—you are opting-in to allow us to recognize you, collect information, and connect it with other personal information you provide, so that we can individually customize the way we interact with you. When you subscribe, and if you enable cookies on your browser, our system automatically connects your computer with your subscription email address, recognizes your computer as yours when you return to the United States Mint’s online store, and collects your computer’s technical information (including partial IP address) and your browsing habits while visiting our online store. We and our contractors store this data with your email address and other personal information (for example, your order history, if any, or account information if you have also registered to create an online shopping account) and use it to understand your preferences and interests. We also may use it to personalize Product and Promotion Update newsletters if you subscribe to them, and to make personalized product recommendations while you browse our online store. We store computer information for six months, store browsing information for 90 days (then archive it for seven years), and retain your personal subscription information according to our National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) record retention schedules.

(b) If you register to create an online shopping account, or make an online purchase as a guest—

—you are opting-in to allow us to recognize you, collect information, and connect it with other personal information you provide, so that we can individually customize the way we interact with you. When you register to create an online shopping account or purchase online as a guest, and if you enable cookies on your browser, our system automatically connects your computer with your registration or purchase information, recognizes your computer as yours when you return to our Web site, and collects your computer’s technical information (including partial IP address) and your browsing while visiting our online store. We and our contractors store this data with your registration or purchase and other personal information (for example, your order history, if any, and subscription information if you have also subscribed to one of our electronic newsletters) and use it to understand your preferences and interests. We also may use it to personalize Product and Promotion Update newsletters if you subscribe to them, and to make personalized product recommendations while you browse our online store. We store computer information for six months, store browsing information for 90 days (then archive it for seven years), and retain your registration, account and purchase information according to our NARA record retention schedules.

You do not have to register to enjoy other features of our Web site, to make a purchase, or subscribe for advance product enrollment, but if you choose not to, registration benefits (such as self-directed, one-stop online account and email subscription management, order history access, wishlists, and address and credit card storage) will not be available to you. You do not have to purchase online to buy products from the United States Mint, but if you choose not to, you will not be able or access information about your current or past orders without phoning for assistance from our call center representatives.

b. Alternatives.

You may disable cookies on your web browser, and some browsers allow disabling session and persistent or multisession cookies separately. Blocking session cookies from your computer will not affect your access to content on our Web site, but could prevent you from using our online store’s shopping cart.

If you would like to disable cookies on your Web browser and delete existing United States Mint cookies from your computer, our system will treat your computer and browsing as anonymous and will not recognize your computer when you return to our Web site. Disabling cookies will not prevent you from browsing and enjoying many features on our Web site, but you must have cookies enabled to make an online purchase, create an account and access your account information, subscribe to promotional/informational electronic newsletters, or receive on-screen personalized product recommendations should the United States Mint offer them. Your browser may allow you to turn cookies on prior to making a purchase, and then disable them and delete United States Mint cookies from your computer when you purchase is complete and confirmed. Information on managing cookies on your computer may be found at http://www.usa.gov/optout-instructions.shtml

You also may purchase our products by using the United States Mint’s toll-free customer service line 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468) or TTY 1-888-321-MINT (6468), by mail order (United States Mint, PO Box 71191, Philadelphia, PA 19176-6191), from the United States Mint retail point of sale kiosk at our headquarters facility in Washington, DC , and from one of the contractor-operated sales venues at our facilities in Philadelphia, PA, or Denver, CO (which are not United States Mint retail points of sale, but contractor operated). Without subscribing, you may obtain product updates by visiting “catalog.usmint.gov,” lesson plans by downloading them directly from “https://www.usmint.gov/kids/teachers,” and news releases by downloading them directly from “https://www.usmint.gov/pressroom.” You may find the information consolidated in our Coins Online newsletter in various locations on our website.

For more information about how Google Analytics services use your information and how you can opt out of Google Analytics services’ use of cookies on this Web site, please see the following areas of Google's website.

Please visit the Google Web site directly to review the privacy policies.


We are proud to offer upgraded online shopping and ecommerce services to serve you better. To offer these services, we sometimes collect information from you as discussed below and in the Web Measurement and Customization section (section 5) of this Privacy Policy. The United States Mint never sells this information or rents it to anyone. Access to it is limited to authorized United States Mint and contractor personnel (who are governed by contractual privacy provisions), and is subject to multiple security protocols. It may be subject to Privacy Act routine use disclosures and to disclosure as otherwise required by law. If you prefer not to provide personally identifying information online to the United States Mint, we also offer alternate methods to access our products and services by using the United States Mint’s toll-free customer service line 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468) or TTY 1-888-321-MINT (6468), by mail order (United States Mint, PO Box 71191, Philadelphia, PA 19176-6191), from the United States Mint retail point of sale kiosk at our headquarters facility in Washington, DC, and from one of the contractor-operated sales venues at our facilities in Philadelphia, PA, or Denver, CO (which are not United States Mint retail points of sale).

a. If you choose to register to create an online shopping account (09/2014): To register for an online shopping account, we require you to provide your full name, billing and delivery address (including country, city, state and zip), credit card payment information, product and communication preferences, telephone number, log-in name, password and security question response, and email address. You will also be asked to verify that you are over the age of 18 years old. You do not have to provide this information, but if you do not provide it you will not be able to create an online shopping account or enjoy account benefits (such as self-directed one-stop online account and email subscription management, order history access, wishlists, and address and credit card storage). We and our contractors store your registration information in electronic databases. When you make purchases and use account services, the United States Mint and its contractors store your preferences, delivery information for you and your gift recipients, and other order history (including advance product enrollment), and address book entries with your registration information. To this, we add information obtained using multisession Web measurement and customization technologies for which you have opted-in by registering, as noted in the Web Measurement and Customization section of this Privacy Policy (section 5).

We and our contractors use some or all of this information to process your orders and understand your interests and preferences to improve your shopping experience in the store. We also use it to provide you with tools to manage account services, to communicate with you, and to improve our products and services generally. We also may use it to personalize Product and Promotion Update newsletters if you subscribe to them, and to make personalized product recommendations while you browse our online store. If you provide third parties’ names and addresses and ask us to ship products to them, we do not market to them unless they also purchase products or services directly from us. After you provide your username and password, you may access, review, and edit your account information online. Information you provide may be shared with government contractors for analysis only in connection with the services we offer. Registered account holders may unsubscribe from United States Mint communications by following the procedures in Section 8, Unsubscribing from United States Mint Communications.

If you have an online shopping account existing at the time we launch our upgraded ecommerce services, we will invite you to confirm your registration and create a password to maintain access to your account and account services. To do this, you will need the answer to your security question that you provided when you first registered for an account on the online store.

b. If you choose to purchase online as a guest (09/2014): You do not need to create an online shopping account to make an online purchase. To make an online purchase, we require information such as your credit card data, and telephone numbers, names, and email and postal addresses for you or your recipient (this is called “Guest Check Out”). You do not have to provide this information to browse our Web site, but if you choose not to provide it, you will not be able to make a purchase online.

When you purchase online as a guest, you are opting-in to certain collections and uses of your browsing and personal information, as noted in the Web Measurement and Customization section of this Privacy Statement (section 5). The United States Mint and government contractors store your purchase information in electronic databases with your other stored data and the information obtained using Web measurement and customization technologies for which you have opted-in, and may share it with government employees and government contractors. We and our contractors use some or all of this information to process your orders, communicate with you in connection with your orders and the products and services we offer, and understand your interests and preferences. We also may use it to personalize Product and Promotion Update newsletters if you subscribe to them, and to make personalized product recommendations while you browse our online store. You may unsubscribe from United States Mint communications by following the procedures in Section 8, Unsubscribing from United States Mint Communications.

c. If you choose to use other online store information services (order tracking, assistance by email, chat assistance) (09/2014): You do not need to create an account to use these and many of our other online services. To use these services and features, depending on the medium and the nature of your request, we may require information such as your name, email and delivery address, or order number. You do not have to provide this information, but if you choose not to provide it, you may not be able to use the services for which the information is required. When you use services such as order tracking and email or chat assistance, we collect and store the information you provide and use it to deliver the services you request.

d. If you choose to subscribe to our promotional/informational newsletters (Product and Promotion Updates, Coins Online, News Releases, and Lessons that Make Cents) (09/2014): You are opting-in to certain collections and uses of your browsing and personal information, as noted in the Web Measurement and Customization section of this Privacy Statement (section 5), when you subscribe to our promotional/informational newsletters. When you subscribe, we collect information including your name, email address, and (optional) birth month. We store this information with your other data and the information from Web measurement and customization technologies for which you have opted-in and use it to understand your preferences. We also may use it to personalize Product and Promotion Update newsletters if you subscribe to them, and to make personalized product recommendations while you browse our online store. Subscribers to electronic newsletters Product and Promotion Updates, Lessons That Make Cents, News Releases, or Coins Online may unsubscribe by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link on the newsletters we send. You do not have to provide your email address or other subscription information to enjoy other features of our Web site, but if you do not provide this information and subscribe online, you will not be able to have the newsletters and other materials you request emailed to you, and you cannot unsubscribe from newsletters you receive except by doing so via the email sent to you. If you are a current subscriber to one or more of these four newsletters at the time we launch our ecommerce upgrade, you may continue to receive the communications you’ve previously requested. If you currently subscribe to Product and Promotion Updates but would like to receive a version of that newsletter that may reflect your interests should we offer one, or if you would like to receive a newsletter at a different email address, you will need to create a new subscription, and will be opting-in to the data collections and uses noted above.

e. If you purchase offline by mail order, telephone order or directly from a United State Mint retail mobile or over-the-counter point of sale (09/2014): If you choose to make a purchase from the United States Mint by mail order, telephone order or from the United State Mint in a retail mobile or over-the-counter point of sale transaction, our customer service representatives follow standard procedures to collect your information. For mail and telephone order, we require you to identify the products you wish to purchase, and to provide information such as credit card data, and telephone numbers, full names and postal addresses for you and your recipient. Where we accept checks, we may require you to provide identification. Telephone calls are recorded for quality assurance and training, and our representatives use software to document your telephone orders, including your personal information. If you call to place a telephone order, we will notify you that the call may be recorded and you may disconnect at any time. You do not have to provide the referenced information, but if you do not, you will not be able to make a purchase.


a. If you choose to use online search functions on our website, we collect the search terms you provide. We currently do this anonymously, without collecting additional personal information from you and without associating the search terms with other personal information we may have otherwise collected. We use these search terms to understand the priorities of visitors to our website and improve our website and services generally. If you browse our online store to view products you search for, please see the Web Measurement and Customization section (section 5) of this Privacy Policy for the ways we may collect your browsing information.

b. If you choose to share your stories about coin collecting and the United States Mint with us and the public using our online store “Share Your Story” function when implemented, we collect and store your name, email address, date of birth (for age verification purposes), home address, and permission language verifying authorship and allowing us to publish your story on our online store if selected.

c. If you choose to submit an email comment or inquiry through our "Contact Us" page, send feedback through our mobile application, or request a print catalog to be sent by postal mail, depending on the nature of your inquiry or request, we may collect personal information such as your name, email and home addresses, and telephone number. You do not have to provide your name to submit a comment or inquiry or provide your email address to send feedback, but if you do not do so, in some cases it may limit our ability to respond to your communication. We and our contractors store the information in electronic databases and use it to respond to your inquiry, process and verify requests, and generally provide and improve our products and services.

d. If you choose to complete an online survey (as opposed to noting your personal preferences when registering for a service), we and our contractors collect and store responses anonymously, without collecting personally identifying information. We use this information to learn about you and our other customers to improve our Web site, and our products and services generally. You are not required to complete any survey to use any feature of the United States Mint's Web site, including its online shopping features. Please see the Web Measurement and Customization section (section 5) of this Privacy Policy for the way our customer satisfaction survey provider ForeSee uses cookies. You may simply click “No, Thanks” and not respond to the survey.

e. If you choose to submit an entry in response to a numismatic design competition or other request for design submissions when we conduct them, depending on the applicable official rules and policies, we collect and store personal information and materials such as your name, email and home address, telephone number, biographical information (such as professional experience), artwork, eligibility information, and rights transfer and contract documentation. We and our contractors may use what you submit to determine your eligibility; process, evaluate and manage your entries, documentation and the competitions and other design activities in which you choose to participate generally; process and manage payments and prizes if any; and communicate with you. We may also share what you submit with advisory committees, others providing evaluation services, and members of the public.

f. If you choose to request a reservation for a tour of the United States Mint at Denver or for a Denver-area United States Mint Education or Outreach Program, we collect and store personal information such as the requester’s name, email, home address, and telephone number, and participant names and special requirements if the requester elects to provide them. We also collect and store information about the location, audience and requested topics for education and outreach programs. Requesters do not have to provide program topics, participant names or special requirements to reserve a tour or program, but without timely advance information about special requirements such as for wheelchair assistance or sign language interpretation, we may be unable to provide the kind of assistance requested, or may be unable to do so at the scheduled time. We may share registration information with our employees and contractors to provide the tour and program services we offer. We also use requesters’ email addresses to send an invitation to complete an optional customer satisfaction survey following the tour or program. Surveys do not solicit personal information and results are not stored with reservation information.

g. Generally, if you choose to submit something online to the United States Mint that includes personally-identifying information, we may forward it to other government employees or government contractors to process your order or request or to answer your questions. We also may share your personal information with contractors for purposes of analysis and to conduct approved surveys in which you may be invited to participate. We also may track emails you send us to improve our response and message turn-around times.


We do our best to refrain from sending unwanted information. Should you wish to cease receiving postal materials from the United States Mint, you may contact Customer Service toll free, 8 a.m. to 12:00 midnight Eastern Time, seven days a week. Within the United States, call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468), and from outside the United States, call 001-202-898-MINT (6468). Hearing and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment can reach us at 1-888-321-MINT (6468) Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time. You also may write directly to United States Mint, Customer Service, United States Mint, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75270. Subscribers to electronic newsletters Product and Promotion Updates, Lessons That Make Cents, News Releases, or Coins Online may unsubscribe by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link on the newsletters we send.


The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a) addresses the way federal agencies maintain records about individuals. The law strives to balance the government's need to maintain these records with the individual's right to be protected from unwarranted invasions of personal privacy. If you submit personal information to the United States Mint, your information may be part of a Privacy Act System of Records and can be subject to applicable Privacy Act routine use disclosures and to disclosure as otherwise required by law. Please contact the United States Mint Disclosure Officer Kathleen Saunders-Mitchell at (202) 354-6788, or via email at kmitchell@usmint.treas.gov, for information on how you can be notified if a United States Mint Privacy Act System of Records contains a record about you, and for information on how you can gain access to a record about you, and amend or contest its content. Any changes to the United States Mint's Privacy Act Systems of Record (including routine uses of personal information) are to be published in the Federal Register. The most recent inventory of our Privacy Act Systems of Record Notices (including Routine Uses) can be found at: http://www.treasury.gov/privacy/issuances/Pages/default.aspx.

10. LEGAL AUTHORITY (02/2016)

Our authority to ask for personal information in connection with numismatic design development and competitions, purchases, and requests for newsletters, other numismatic-related communications, documents, and correspondence, comes from 31 U.S.C. §§ 5111, 5112, 5131, 5132 & 5136; 31 C.F.R. Part 92; and other Acts of Congress authorizing the minting, issuance and sale of United States coins and medals.


We use third-party social media Web sites as additional ways to interact with you and other members of the public. We do not use these Web sites to solicit and collect personally identifiable information from individuals, and encourage you not to publicly post personally identifiable information on our official pages on such Web sites. When you visit third-party websites, their security and privacy policies apply to your activity. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party websites before visiting them, and ensure that you understand how your information may be used. You also may choose to adjust your account's privacy settings on such third-party websites according to your preferences. The Web privacy policies of third-party Web sites used by the United States Mint include the following:

Please visit these third-party Web sites directly to review their privacy policies.