Peer Review


The Office of Inspector General (OIG) maintains a quality assurance program to ensure that work performed adheres to established OIG policies and procedures, meets established standards of performance, and is carried out economically, efficiently, and effectively. Also, in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and the Attorney General Guidelines for Federal Office of Inspectors General with Statutory Law Enforcement Authority, the OIG's auditing and investigations functions are subject to peer reviews. These peer reviews provide an additional and external level of assurance of the OIG's adherence to prescribed standards, regulations, and legislation through a formal objective assessment of its operations. The Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) prescribes the methodology for performing peer reviews. Attached are the latest reviews of OIG's auditing and investigations functions.


Final report on the results of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Inspector General's External Quality Control Review of the Department of Transportation Inspector General's audit operations conducted in conformity with Government Auditing Standards and guidelines established by CIGIE. | View Full Report


Final report on the results of the Small Business Administration Office of Inspector General's Quality Assessment Review of the Department of Transportation Inspector General's investigative operations. This review covered OIG’s investigative operations during the 3 years ending March 31, 2018 and was conducted in conformity with CIGIE's Quality Standards for Investigations, the Quality Assessment Review guidelines established by CIGIE, and the Attorney General Guidelines for Office of Inspectors General with Statutory Law Enforcement Authority, as applicable. | View Full Report

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