Export Education

Exporting is a tremendous learning experience for those who are open to its lessons. Often, exporting is no more risky than selling in the United States. Most U.S. companies need an international strategy to go global. Let us show you how.


Assess Your Export Readiness

Are you looking to grow your business through exporting? Assess your company’s readiness for entering your first markets, expanding into additional markets, or taking on more challenging, high-growth export markets. 

View Export Assessments

Get Ready to Export

Small, medium, and large businesses all have the amazing opportunity to expand internationally. The U.S. Commercial Service is here to help you discover the steps that must be taken to ensure that your company is ready to export.

Make sure your company is equipped to enter the exciting exporting world - see our How to Export video collection!

[Download The How to Sell Internationally video 5 MB]

Export Mechanics Training

To be successful as a new exporter, you first need to understand the basic mechanics of exporting. This training series introduces twelve key topics -- each broken into 3-5 short videos, easily viewed in any order. 

Watch the Export Mechanics Training video series today!

[Download the Introductions and Terms to Know video 17MB

Basic Guide to Exporting

Whether you're a start-up or a mature business, this guide breaks down virtually every issue a new exporter might face. Get started now and you will gain the confidence to become an international sensation.

Learn More

Export U

Visit Export-U for a user-friendly series of free webinars that help educate new or novice exporters on an array of topics, and include quick and practical trade information.

Visit Export U

Export Planning

Define goals while considering capabilities and constraints. Successful planning can help your business adjust to sudden changes while offering a clear path toward results. 

Start Here