Farm-based Education

Man measures effect of plants and straw on windblown soil erosion. (Copyright ARS)Farmers and students gain experience and knowledge about sustainable and organic agriculture from many sources:  student, research and demonstration farms; farm internships and apprenticeships; conferences; volunteer opportunities; and more.

National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.

Connects farmers with potential interns or apprentices who are seeking on-the-job experience in sustainable or organic agriculture.

USDA. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

Provides agricultural educators with training resources to help farmers and ranchers establish thriving farming systems.

USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.

A directory of U.S. institutions and organizations that offer undergraduate and graduate programs, research opportunities, or training in organic, alternative, or sustainable agriculture. Identifies student farms and research and demonstration farms.

National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.

Review ATTRA's directory of internships and apprenticeships in sustainable or organic agriculture. Learn about farming sustainably. Discover classroom lessons, on-farm opportunities, training sessions, programs and conferences opportunities.

Willing Workers on Organic Farmers (WWOOF)

The Willing Workers on Organic Farmers (WWOOF) database of organizations and other hosts offering volunteer, educational, employment, internship and apprenticeship opportunities in sustainable agriculture.