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United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

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United States Department of Defense
Pentagon Press Badges

Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131
Public contact: or +1 (703) 571-3343

How to Request a Badge
We grant Pentagon press badges to media in the D.C. area, who are at the Pentagon on a recurring (at least four to eight times a month) basis. To request a pass, do the following:

  • Have your bureau chief (or designate) fax, email, or hand carry a letter on company letterhead, addressed to Ms. Tara Rigler, Deputy Director, Defense Press Operations, to 703-697-3501. If emailing, send your request to
  • See the example for what type of information needs to be included in the letter. To ensure smooth processing of your paperwork, please follow the content in the template
  • Call to ensure we received your fax.

Please allow 5-10 working days for processing. We will call you once the badging office approves your application. You have 10 working days to pick up your approved application. After 10 days, we must resubmit the request and wait for approval.

You will receive an initial, temporary three-month badge, followed by a temporary, six-month badge upon renewal. After having two consecutive, temporary passes, you may request a permanent one-year pass in the next request letter.

Foreign Press Badges
In addition to the request letter from your bureau chief (or designate), we require a letter from your embassy, and a copy of your passport, visa and social security card.

Reasons for Possible Denial of a Press Badge
The Deputy Director may deny your request if your organization has too many badges or you are not here often enough to merit granting a badge. Our general rule of thumb is no more than five for correspondents, couriers or producers; and no more than eight for photographers and technicians. We will handle all exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Getting Your Badge
Once you sign the security-awareness briefing form, we will give you your application to take the badge office. If this is your initial badge and you are a U.S. citizen, bring one form of government-issued photo ID and identification to verify your social security number. Foreign citizens must bring their passport, visa, and social security card to receive a badge, whether it is the initial or a renewal. The badge office closes at 4 p.m., and there is often a long wait. Please plan accordingly. The wait gets longer as it gets closer to the end of the month.

Renewing Your Badge
To avoid a lapse in your access, it is best to submit your paperwork earlier in the expiration month so that we can process it and get it back to you before your badge expires.

Press parking is reserved for Lane 45, in North Parking. Be sure to call the press office at 703-697-5131 to call your car in to avoid ticketing and/or towing. You will need to provide the driver’s first and last name, license plate number and state of registration.

Useful Phone Numbers/Information
Defense Press Operations: 703-697-5131
Defense Press Operations Fax Number: 703-697-3501
Badge Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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