What We Do / Oil Spill Preparedness Division / Preparedness Activities

Preparedness Activities

BSEE ensures that operators of offshore oil facilities are prepared to respond to oil spills from the time they drill their first well until the last platform is removed. To do so, BSEE aggressively enforces laws and regulations that require offshore operators to have an implementable oil spill response plan (OSRP), adequate oil spill response equipment and resources, and properly trained personnel to deal with a spill. In addition, BSEE works with the operators, other federal and state agencies, and the public to improve response planning, exercise response strategies, and develop new tools to improve preparedness.

The Oil Spill Preparedness Division (OSPD) implements and enforces BSEE’s oil spill preparedness regulatory requirements for offshore facilities. OSPD’s subject matter experts research, oversee, and execute a number of important regulatory activities including:

SOPTo help execute its responsibilities, BSEE OSPD developed an internal guidance document entitled the Oil Spill Preparedness Division Manual: Standard Operating Procedures for 30 CFR 254 Regulatory Activities. The development and public release of this document has two primary benefits: (1) it establishes a consistent approach for BSEE personnel to follow when managing the 30 CFR Part 254 regulations; and (2) it informs the industry and the public of BSEE’s regulatory procedures.

BSEE’s oil spill regulatory authority, which comes from The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Title 33 U. S. Code § 1321), as amended by sections 4202(a), (b)(4) and 5005 of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), establishes the requirements for vessel and facility oil and hazardous substance spill response plans and discharge-removal equipment.