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Customs Brokers

The next exam is April 24, 2019. Registration is now closed. 

The reference material is:

  • Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (2018 Basic Edition, No Supplements)
  • Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations (2018 Revised as of April 1, 2018)Part 1 to END.
  • Instructions for Preparation of CBP Form 7501 (July 24, 2012)
  • Right to Make Entry Directive 3530-002A
  • ACE Entry Summary Business Process (Revision  TBD, Section 1 through 12)

Registration is a two step process.

  • Step one is registering for the exam. 

  • Step two is self-selecting their exam site. All registrants will receive an e-mail on advising them how to register to self-select their exam site.

  • All registrants will receive an em-mail advising them how to self-select their exam site.
  • Those who do not self-select will be placed in the closest available site following registration.
  • Watch this site for information about registration.
  • CBP is discontinuing the process of providing pencils and scrap paper.
  • Examinees may bring their own pencil and scrap paper to the exam

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is looking forward to the publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the long awaited update to 19 CFR 111. 

It is suspected this will address many of the Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee's (COAC) recommendations.  Some are listed below:

  • Replace the “district permit” and “national permit” with “the permit” to better reflect the transition to a single permit framework that operates at the national level within the custom territory of the United States.
  • Require brokers to have a single permit that allows them to have sufficient authority to conduct custom business at the national level within the customs territory of the United States.  This will also eliminate the need for brokers to request permit waivers.
  • Prepare a transition plan to a single permit.
  • Require brokers to provide satisfactory evidence of how the entity intends to exercise Responsible Supervision and Control.
  • Make enhancement to ACE for broker reporting and Streamline Broker reporting
  • Update the factors related to Responsible Supervision and Control related to the transition of managing under the national permit that would replace the district permit.
  • Require that the Power of Attorney come directly from the Importer to the Broker.
  • Remove specific fee dollar amounts and reference a single source of location allowing greater flexibility.
  • Expand Broker payment options to include electronic payment of fees.
  • Provide for reasonable steps to include the review of publicly available, open source information to authenticate the identity of the broker.
  • Require that customs business may be conducted only within the customs territory of the United States.
  • Provide for the storage of electronic customs records within the custom territory of the United States.


Effective October 1, 2018 the Cobra Fee for permits (USER FEE) is $144.74 (was $141.70).
Effective January 1, 2019, the broker application finger printing fee is $11.25 (was $10.00).




CBP welcomes the submittal of new questions for future broker exams.  Please submit your questions to with "Future Exam Questions" in the subject line.



Last modified: 
November 30, 2018