Regional Ocean Partnerships

Executive Order

Atlantic Ocean

On June 19, 2018, President Trump signed Executive Order 13840"Ocean Policy to Advance the Economic, Security, and Environmental Interests of the United States". The Executive Order is intended to advance the economic, security, and environmental interests of the United States through improved public access to marine data and information, efficient Federal agency coordination on ocean related matters, and engagement with marine industries, the science and technology community, and other ocean stakeholders, including Regional Ocean Partnerships. This Executive Order revokes and replaces Executive Order 13547.

Fact Sheet:  President Donald J. Trump is Promoting America’s Ocean Economy

Guidance Memorandum for Implementing Executive Order 13840


The Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) is a state and federal partnership that facilitates the New England states, federal agencies, regional organizations, and other interested regional groups in addressing ocean and coastal issues that benefit from a regional response. It is NROC’s mission to provide a voluntary forum for New England states and federal partners to coordinate and collaborate on regional approaches to support balanced uses and conservation of the Northeast region’s ocean and coastal resources.


The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) is a regional ocean partnership working on issues that benefit from interstate collaboration and coordinated problem solving.  MARCO provides a valuable forum to pursue mutual goals shared by the Mid-Atlantic states, improve responses to ocean management challenges and opportunities, and collaborate with agencies, key partners and stakeholder groups to jointly address the region’s needs.

In April 2013, MARCO hosted the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Workshop in collaboration with Federal partners to help launch regional ocean planning. A summary (16MB) and video of the workshop's proceedings, along with other key resources such as MARCO's Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, are available on the MARCO website.

The states are already working through established partnerships - with one another, Federal agency partners, and stakeholders - to better coordinate, share data, and plan for new and expanding uses in an already crowded ocean.