Renewable Energy Research

Shark tale and Sea bird

What’s New?

Save the Date: Atlantic Ocean Energy and Mineral Science Forum

Mark your calendars for an exciting forum about ongoing research in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Join us on January 23-24, 2019 at the Atlantic Ocean Energy and Mineral Science Forum.  Participants will hear updates about ongoing and recently completed studies funded by BOEM in the Atlantic region in support of the Renewable Energy, Marine Minerals, and Conventional Energy Programs.

Topics to be covered include: fisheries and post construction monitoring, South Atlantic and deepwater studies, social and cultural resources, environmental stressors, data sharing, and research supporting the Marine Minerals Program. Participants will have ample time to ask questions and provide suggestions for future study areas.
The forum will take place at: 
Holiday Inn Washington-Dulles International Airport
45425 Holiday Drive
Sterling, VA 20166 

Update: A government rate is available for a block of rooms.  The group identification is "BOEM – Atlantic Ocean Energy & Mineral Science Forum" and must be provided at time of reservation to receive the rate.  Reservations for the hotel must be made no later than Dec. 21. 

Please register for the forum from here:  While the forum is free, space is limited. 

The agenda is now available.


The Office of Renewable Energy Programs (OREP) oversees the development of offshore renewable energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), which have the potential to make significant contributions to our nation’s energy portfolio.

OREP depends on science to meet our responsibilities under environmental laws, regulations, and standards. As such, we fund and manage scientific research to inform our decision making processes for renewable energy projects on the OCS.

Ongoing Studies Completed Studies  Technology Assessment  Program Studies

Ongoing Studies

Completed Studies

Technology Assessment
Program Studies



 Fact Sheets

Future Studies Planning

 Stakeholder Engagement
