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California Area Office logoCalifornia Area Office

  • IHS Press Release

    IHS Breaks Ground for New Youth Regional Treatment Center in California

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  • PowerPoint Presentations

    Online and available for viewing and download

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    CA Area Director's Message
    CA Area Director's Messages

    Quarterly newsletters for professionals and patients.

    Archive of health related articles from 2012-2016.

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    Mission Statement
    Mission Statement

    The overall mission of the Indian Health Service (IHS) is to raise the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska natives (AI/AN) to the highest level.

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    California YRTC Project
    California YRTC Project Update

    California's first IHS-operated Youth Regional Treatment Center (YRTC) in Hemet, CA, is open; New construction at the No. CA YRTC facility in Davis, CA is currently underway.

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