Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)


HHS SBIR and STTR programs are an integral source of capital for early stage U.S. small businesses that are creating innovative technologies to improve health. These programs help small businesses break into the federal research and development (R&D) arena, create life-saving technologies, and stimulate economic growth. 

What is SBIR and STTR?

The SBIR and STTR programs are congressionally-mandated set-aside programs for U.S. small businesses to engage in R&D that has a strong potential for commercialization.

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Grants vs. Contracts

The HHS SBIR program supports research using both grants and contracts. 

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Three-Phase Program

Both the SBIR and STTR programs are divided into three phases. HHS has special technical assistance and gap-funding programs to help small businesses move their technologies from the lab to the market.

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SBIR and STTR Critical Differences

The SBIR and STTR programs have similar objectives, but differ in two major ways related to the principal investigator (PI) and non-profit research partner.

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Small Business Eligibility Criteria

Only U.S. small business concerns are eligible to submit applications SBIR and STTR solicitations.

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HHS SBIR/STTR Contact Information 

NIH is comprised of 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs), each with a specific research agenda, often focusing on particular diseases or body systems. Of these 27 ICs, 24 have SBIR and STTR programs. CDC, FDA, ACL and ACF also have SBIR programs.

Women-Owned and Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Small Businesses

The SBIR and STTR programs encourage the participation of women-owned (WOSB) and socially and economically disadvantaged (SDB) small businesses.

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Contact Us

The HHS SBIR/STTR Program Office can help answer your questions! Don't hesitate to reach out to us. 

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