A monthly podcast for USAID staff featuring Administrator Mark Green and specialists across the Agency.

USAID Leads offers in-depth discussions targeted toward USAID’s workforce. The podcast serves to inform employees and the public about Agency updates and priorities. Each episode highlights important elements of USAID’s international development work.


Last updated: October 29, 2018

October 26, 2018

The new episode of the Administrator’s podcast, USAID Leads, is now live! In this episode, host Carol Han highlights Administrator Mark Green’s remarks at various events at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly.

September 17, 2018

In this episode, Administrator Green, Chris Maloney, and Save the Children President and CEO Carolyn Miles discuss the vision of the “Journey to Self-Reliance,” which enables our country partners to plan, finance, and implement solutions to their own development challenges.

July 25, 2018

In this episode, Administrator Green and Former Congressman Frank Wolf discuss their recent trip to Northern Iraq as part of a larger United States delegation. In the podcast, they share what they saw on the ground and discuss the United States’ unwavering commitment to supporting persecuted communities, particularly Christians and Yezidis, who were subjected to genocide by ISIS and are still struggling to survive.

May 18, 2018

In Episode Five of USAID Leads, we discuss how USAID is engaging young leaders to foster peace and prosperity in their communities with Administrator Green and our Agency Youth Coordinator Michael McCabe, along with Abella Bateyunga, a YALI Fellow and CEO of Tanzania Bora Initiative.

March 26, 2018

In Episode Four of USAID Leads, we highlight the recently-launched WomenConnect Challenge with USAID’s Administrator Green and Senior Advisor on Gender Equality Michelle Bekkering. We also feature Neha Misra from Solar Sister, to discuss how young women around the world can feel empowered to start their own business.
