
Statistics and Successes

SBIR and STTR funded companies are leaders in bringing innovative technological solutions to the market. One of the best ways to understand the positive impacts of the HHS SBIR and STTR programs is to review the company success stories and award statistics. 

HHS SBIR/STTR Success Stories

Success for small businesses in the life science sector takes many forms, ranging from direct sales, strategic partnerships, licensing deals, regulatory clearance, and mergers and acquisitions. View some of HHS' prominent SBIR/STTR companies that exemplify a range of achievements.

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Award Data

Learning about the award statistics and success rates of HHS’ SBIR and STTR programs help demonstrate the widespread impact SBIR and STTR investments are making in small businesses across the country.


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SBIR/STTR Success Rates

Find information about the HHS SBIR and STTR application numbers and success rates by downloading the third and fourth spreadsheets and scrolling to the bottom of the table for the most recent Fiscal Year. Information is organized by phase and by state.


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WOSB and SDB Data

Find information about the success rates of women-owned small businesses (WOSB) and socially and economically disadvantaged businesses (SBD).

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