Adult Training Programs

The Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) provides information on training programs and other services that are available to assist workers who have been laid off or are about to be laid off. For a list of programs nearest you, contact an American Job Center or call ETA's toll-free help line at (877) US-2JOBS (TTY: 1-877-889-5267). Services are designed to meet local needs and may vary from state to state. Some services for dislocated workers have eligibility requirements. Check with your State Dislocated Worker Unit for details.

Web Pages on This Topic

Adult Training Programs - Provides information about the goals, services, and eligibility requirements of ETA's adult training programs.

Laws & Regulations on This Topic


Public Law 113-128 - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014


Final Rules (August 19, 2016) / Final Rule Resources / Quick Reference Guides / Frequently Asked Questions / Fact Sheets