Small Business Retirement Plan Options

The Department of Labor launched a Retirement Savings Education Campaign in July 1995. On the fifth anniversary of the campaign, the Department unveiled its new campaign logo and slogan, "Saving Matters."

DOL has a toll-free Publication Hotline (1-866-444-3272) to distribute publications geared to educating participants and employers about saving and protecting their benefits.

The Savings Are Vital to Everyone's Retirement Act of 1997, known as the "SAVER Act," directed the Department of Labor to continue its series of outreach programs on retirement savings.

Web Pages on This Topic

The Small Business Retirement Savings Advisor - Provides information to help small business owners understand their retirement savings options and determine which program is most appropriate for their needs.

Choosing a Retirement Solution For Your Small Business - Provides information on retirement plan options.

Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Retirement - Provides information on assessing your retirement needs, tax benefits of workplace savings plans, and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).

Ten Warning Signs that Your 401(k) Contributions are being Misused (PDF)

Women and Retirement Savings - Provides information for women about preparing and saving for retirement.

What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan (PDF) - Provides information to help answer many of the most common questions about pension plans.

Work Changes Require Health Choices (Español) - Provides information on making health care decisions when your work life changes.