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Office of Disability Employment Policy
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ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy - Driving Change Creating Opportunity

Health Care

Everyone depends on health care products and services to stay well and live, work, and participate in our communities, and research suggests that there is a reciprocal relationship between employment and health. However, for many Americans with disabilities, access to adequate and affordable health care coverage and services are significant obstacles to independent living, employment, and full inclusion in society. Thus, ODEP actively seeks to integrate health care issues across its employment policy efforts.

The following provide more information about health care and its connection to disability employment and the work ODEP and its partners are undertaking in this area:

Additional Federal Resources on Health Care

  • NCD Principles for Public and Private Health Care Reform — National Council on Disability (NCD) recommendations for all proposed legislative changes to healthcare, including Medicaid. Access to quality health care and home- and community-based services is central to promoting independent living among people with disabilities.
  • What Health Care Professionals Can Do to Be Accessible (PDF) — This fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes the importance of understanding the laws and regulations that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities, such as assuring that health care facilities and medical equipment are accessible.