Guidance & Regulations / Regulations / Regulatory Reform

Regulatory Reform

Following Executive and Secretarial Orders to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens while ensuring that any activity is safe and environmentally responsible, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has issued proposed revisions to the Blowout Preventer Systems and Well Control Rule, as well as a new Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems Rule. The Well Control Rule guides oil and gas drilling operations on the Outer Continental Shelf, while the Oil and Gas Production Safety Systems Rule relates to production activities.


Revised Well Control Rule Oil & Gas Production Safety Systems Rule


BSEE’s team of career engineers and regulatory specialists used lessons learned from the original rules’ implementation to inform the revision process. Acknowledging substantial advancements in subsea technology, the team also incorporated numerous updated industry standards to ensure they bear the force of law.

We are incorporating industry innovation, best science, and best practices to improve reliability, safety, and environmental stewardship.