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Office of Disability Employment Policy
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ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy - Driving Change Creating Opportunity


ODEP works to influence national policy and promote effective workplace practices to ensure that today's — and tomorrow's — workforce engages all people, including people with disabilities. As a result, one important policy focus area is youth transitioning from school to adulthood and the world of work.

The Guideposts for Success — What All Youth Need to Successfully Transition into Adulthood

ODEP's work in the youth arena is based on the Guideposts for Success. The Guideposts represent what research and practice has identified as key educational and career development interventions that make a positive difference in the lives of all youth, including youth with disabilities. They were developed by ODEP in collaboration with one of its research and technical assistance centers, the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth), following an extensive review of more than 30 years of research and best practices in youth development, education, and workforce development. ODEP and NCWD/Youth identified five elements as essential for all youth, including youth with disabilities, to effectively transition into postsecondary education and employment.

The five Guideposts are as follows:

The complete Guideposts for Success document, as well as an explanation of their underlying key principles and who should use them and how, is available on the NCWD/Youth website. Targeted Guideposts have also been identified for:

Labor Force Comparison

Information and Resources

ODEP and its partners have centered their youth-focused work around the following entities. View information and resources geared toward: