

The Resources section of this site links to publications related to, clinical alerts, and information on subscribing to RSS feeds for new and updated clinical studies. This section also provides statistics about and information on retrieving study record data and search results in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format.

Selected Publications

Find selected outreach and scholarly publications on issues related to and clinical research.

Clinical Alerts and Advisories

Read notices from the National Institutes of Health about study findings that may significantly affect morbidity (illness) and mortality (death).

RSS Feeds

Learn how to subscribe to RSS feeds for specific searches, or subscribe to a feed for studies that have been recently updated or added to the database.

Trends, Charts, and Maps

View charts and maps displaying a variety of statistics about the studies registered on, including the locations of studies, types of registered studies, and number of studies registered over time.

Downloading Content for Analysis

Learn how to view and download study record data and search results in XML. This page is recommended for advanced users.

This page last reviewed in December 2015