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Inspections & Evaluation

Council of the Inspectors General Inspection & Evaluation Committee

The Honorable Daniel Levinson, Inspector General, Department of Health & Human Services; Committee Chair

Kurt Hyde, Library of Congress, Vice Chair

Note: Prior to the establishment of the CIGIE, this committee operated under the auspices of the "PCIE" (President's Council on Integrity & Efficiency) and the "ECIE" (Executive Council on Integrity & Efficiency). Reports completed prior to the CIGIE use the PCIE & ECIE acronyms in their titles.

Mission Statement

Provides leadership for the CIGIE Inspection and Evaluation community's effort to improve agency program effectiveness by maintaining professional standards; leading the development of protocols for reviewing management issues that cut across departments and agencies; promoting the use of advanced program evaluation techniques; and fostering awareness of evaluation and inspection practice in OIGs. The Committee provides input to the CIGIE Professional Development Committee on the training and the development needs of the CIGIE Inspection and Evaluation community.


Quality Standards


Related Links

Manuals and Guides

Inspection and Evaluation Peer Review Schedule