Welcome to the FEMA Preparedness Portal

NOTICE: Due to the lapse in federal funding, this website will not be actively managed. This website was last updated on January 19, 2018 and will not be updated until after funding is enacted. As such, information on this website may not be up to date. Transactions submitted via this website might not be processed and we will not be able to respond to inquiries until after appropriations are enacted.

Please join our online preparedness community to register your events and get connected to preparedness programs! Login now to register your event.

If you have registered a Prepareathon event in the past, there is no need to create a new account. Simply enter your existing username and password. Are you looking for information on Prepareathon? Visit here.

Disaster preparedness, response and recovery requires a whole community effort. Make sure that you and your community are prepared by checking out these resources:

  • Sign up for our Individual and Community Preparedness eBrief.
  • Be prepared and download the FEMA app for free on the App Store and Google Play. Learn what to do before, during and after emergencies with safety tips and receive weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five different locations anywhere in the United States.
  • Know what disasters could affect your area and learn what to do before, during and after each type of emergency.
  • Learn how to be the help Until Help Arrives.
  • Join together with individuals and organizations to strengthen youth preparedness across the country.
  • Find activities that are happening near you!
  • Read stories about individuals, communities, and organizations across the nation that are preparing.

If you need additional assistance, please contact us at FEMA-Prepare@fema.dhs.gov.