Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)


In order for a small business to receive SBIR or STTR funding, every application must go through the NIH peer review process. NIH uses a rigorous dual peer review system to ensure only the most meritorious scientific proposals are funded.


Selection Process and Review Criteria

For grants the first level of review is carried out by a Scientific Review Group (SRG), within the Center for Scientific Review (CSR).

The second level of review is performed by an Advisory Council or Board of the potential awarding Institute and Center (IC).

Review and Funding Schedule

Wondering about grant deadlines or when to expect your award money? Check out this helpful SBIR/STTR review and funding table.

Center for Scientific Review (CSR)’s SBIR/STTR Study Sections

During step one of the review process when the application is sent to CSR, it will be assigned to a study section. View the study sections designed particularly for small business applicants.