Report Government
Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Information Technology

Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency Information Technology Committee

Tammy Whitcomb,
United States Postal Service; Committee Chair

Michael Missal,
Department of Veterans Affairs; Vice Chair

Note: Prior to the establishment of the CIGIE, this committee operated under the auspices of the "PCIE" (President's Council on Integrity & Efficiency) and the "ECIE" (Executive Council on Integrity & Efficiency). Reports completed prior to the CIGIE use the PCIE & ECIE acronyms in their titles.


The CIGIE Information Technology Committee mission is to facilitate effective information technology (IT) audits, evaluations, and investigations by Inspectors General, and to provide a vehicle for the expression of the IG community's perspective on Governmentwide IT operations.

Operating Principles

  • Promote participation by Office of Inspector General (OIG) community members in IT Committee activities.
  • Encourage communication and cooperation with colleagues in the IT field (including the Federal Chief Information Officers and staff, security professionals).
  • Promote effective teamwork in addressing Governmentwide initiatives, improving OIG IT activities, and safeguarding national IT assets and infrastructure.

Key Activities

  • Coordinate IT-related activities of the CIGIE.
  • Conduct relevant IT educational and training activities. Advise the CIGIE on IT issues.
  • Provide for IT information exchange among the OIG's, including best practices and current capabilities.

Quality Standards
