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Veterans Day

2018 Veterans Day Message from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Every November 11, we recognize our Nation’s veterans for the sacrifices they have made for this great country. These men and women are among the best this world has to offer. They set aside everything to serve. Many have seen long deployments away from their families, some have seen combat, but all have given something.

We observe Veterans Day because we as a nation have a responsibility to recognize those who have served to preserve our freedoms. Last year, the President described it as “a time to pay due respect to our veterans, who have passed the torch of liberty from one generation to the next.” Here at OPM, we don’t take this responsibility lightly. Veterans Day is about honoring people who made a commitment to this country. To the veterans out there, we want you to know that OPM is committed to honoring you.

Veteran talent is critical to enacting the President’s Management Agenda, which will address 21st Century challenges throughout the Federal workforce. Veterans know what it means to serve a purpose bigger than themselves and that is what working in the Federal Government is all about. They work hard and have invaluable experience not found anywhere else. Without them, our civil service is not the same.

We know from experience working alongside them and their families, that veterans represent the greatness of America. OPM’s Veterans Services Office, works with veterans, transitioning service members, Federal agencies, Veterans Services Organizations, and other stakeholders to support veteran hiring in the Federal Government. Even after their call to service in the military has ended, many continue to serve the American people as members of the Federal Civil Service.

OPM thanks all those wonderful Americans who have served or currently are serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. You make this country and its government possible. Thank you for your service. And I send a special thank you to all of the Federal employees who after answering the call in the Armed Services, decided to continue to serve America as dedicated and faithful servants in the Federal workforce.

I'll close with a quote that best summarizes the reason for our celebration of Veterans Day:

“Our first thought…is to acknowledge the obligation which the Nation owes to those who served in our forces afloat and ashore, which contributed the indispensable factor to the final victory. Although all our people became engaged in this conflict, some in furnishing money, some in producing food and clothing, some in making munitions, some in administering our Government, the place of honor will always be accorded to the men and women who wore the uniform of our country – the living and the dead.” - President Calvin Coolidge

OPM Veterans Day Poster