U.S Department of Veterans Affair

Discovery Overview


The activities listed in this section have to be completed before VA approves a Request. By performing them before submitting a Request, you can save yourself a lot of time:

  1. Identify a need where a new VA App would improve VA-related job performance.
  2. Compare your idea to approved VA Apps. It may be that someone has already made the same – or similar – Request and that you can collaborate with them.

  3. Review your sponsoring organization's stated objectives and be prepared to state how your App idea could meet them. These are the primary VHA strategic objectives:
    • Strategic Goal #1: Provide Veterans personalized, proactive, patient-driven health care.
    • Strategic Goal #3: Align resources to deliver sustained value to Veterans.
    • Strategic Goal #2: Achieve measurable improvements in health outcomes.
  4. Review the published VA Compliance requirements and decide whether to seek making your idea into a VA App. (See About the VA App Compliance Review)
  5. Gather the details required to make the Request. (See Requesting an App)
  6. Decide which platform (or platforms) best suit your VA App.
  7. Research funding and resources. If you or your organization can provide funding or people to develop or sustain the App, gather this information. If you have no resources, VA may provide them if it approves your Request.
  8. Identify a Product Owner. If you are connected to VA, determine if someone within your organization can represent the App during development. If you cannot provide a Product Owner, VA may provide one if we approve your Request for development.