NIH is Splitting the R15 Grant Mechanism – AREA and REAP Awards  


Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA). Reserved for grants to undergraduate-focused institutions that do not receive substantial funding from NIH. The AREA program will have its own set of FOAs, distinct from those issued for health professional schools and graduate schools of arts and sciences. This approach will allow us to better track the undergraduates we support at under resourced institutions. Institutions applying for AREA grants must have an undergraduate student enrollment that is greater than graduate student enrollment and, in order to qualify for the AREA program. See NOT-OD-19-015.

Research Enhancement Award Program (REAP). NIH will also offer R15 opportunities to support graduate schools of arts and sciences and health professional schools that grant baccalaureate or advanced degrees. For these grants the applicant organization (all components) may not receive research support from the NIH totaling more than $6 million per year in total costs in 4 of the last 7 years.

As of January 24, 2019, NIH will no longer maintain its list of institutions ineligible for R15 grants. For R15 applications submitted for due dates on or after February 25, 2019, NIH will rely on the institutional letter verifying eligibility that will be required in the application as part of the letters of support attachment.

Read more at Mike Lauer’s Blog: Open Mike


Fundamental to advancing NIAAA’s mission is the cultivation of a talented and diverse research workforce equipped to conduct innovative basic, clinical, and population research and the translation of the knowledge gained from these studies into practice. NIAAA promotes cutting-edge alcohol research training through a combination of individual pre- and postdoctoral fellowships, institutional training grants, and career development awards in subjects spanning the breadth of NIAAA’s research portfolio. Recently, NIAAA broadened its training focus to include polysubstance research, and along with NIDA and NCI supports programs that expose students to cross-cutting areas of alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use research. The Institute is also working with the medical education community to improve clinical training in addiction medicine, thereby improving healthcare services for individuals struggling with AUD and other substance use disorders.

NIAAA’s Training Programs are coordinated by a Centers & Training Working Group (C&T) with representation across all Divisions.  The C&T is an advisory body to the Director on the global mission for the Institute's training programs.  In addition to monitoring policies that may impact our training programs, the C&T creates subcommittees to provide data anlaysis on positive outcomes of our programs; responds to data requests; and conducts in-house reviews for our diversity supplement program
If you have any general questions about NIAAA’s training programs or awards please feel free to get in touch with the NIAAA staff point of contact for our Training and Career Awards.  We are excited about working together toward our goals and activities planned for the future and encourage you to explore our website.  Should you have any questions pertaining to these training webpages, please contact Lynn Morin at



Additional NIAAA Training Information



Revised December 2018