Report Government
Fraud, Waste & Abuse


Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency Audit Committee

Tom Howard, Inspector General,
Amtrak; Committee Chair

The Honorable Ann Calvaresi-Barr, Inspector General,
Agency for International Development; Committee Vice Chair

Note: Prior to the establishment of the CIGIE, this committee operated under the auspices of the "PCIE" (President's Council on Integrity & Efficiency) and the "ECIE" (Executive Council on Integrity & Efficiency). Reports completed prior to the CIGIE use the PCIE & ECIE acronyms in their titles.


The mission of the Audit Committee is to provide leadership to and serve as a resource for the Federal Inspector General (IG) audit community. Specifically, the Audit Committee sponsors and coordinates audit-related activities that address multi-agency or Governmentwide issues, maintains professional standards for OIG audit activities, and administers the audit peer review program. The Audit Committee also provides input to the CIGIE Professional Development Committee on the training and development needs of the CIGIE audit community, and advice to the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Executive Director regarding CIGIE's contracts for audit services. (as adopted in conjunction with Committee Charter 11/22/11).


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