National Science Foundation

Budget Internet Information System

Providing Statistical and Funding Information

Related Information:
Budget Division

Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


NSF Home Page

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Award Summary: by State/Institution
Shows the number of awards and the amount of funding by state and type of institution receiving an NSF award.  The institutions are grouped into: 
  • Federal -- Government agency;
  • Industry -- Large Corporation or business;
  • Small Business; and
  • University -- Academic institutions of higher education regardless of accreditation status, that offer at least two years of college-level studies in residence.

Click on a specific state to see a list of its awarded institutions.  Click on a specific institution to see the list of awards. Click on an award to see the abstract and other information. Ten years of funding data is available and can be limited by NSF directorate or division.

Award Summary: by Top Institutions 
Provides the same information as above, but in order of those institutions receiving the largest portion of NSF Funding.

Summary Proposal and Award Information (Funding Rate) by State and Organization
Provides information on the number of proposals and awards, Funding Rates, Average Decision Time, Mean Award Duration and Median Award Size.  Average Decision Time measures the time from when NSF receives a proposal to when a final decision is made.  Information is presented by NSF organization.  To see the information by State, go to the "Data by" dropdown, select State and then press, "View Report". Ten years of data is available.

NSF Requests and Appropriations History
This table contains the complete history of NSF Budget Requests and Appropriations, from 1951 through the present.

NSF Funding History -- Slides
Shows NSF Funding graphically. (Requires Internet Explorer)

NSF Funding History by Account and FY
Shows NSF Funding by Account since the agency begain in 1951.

NSF Funding History by Account and FY, Constant Dollars
Shows NSF Funding by Account in constant dollars since the agency began in 1951.

Related Reports
Report to the National Science Board on the National Science
Foundation's Merit Review Process, Fiscal Year 2013

The NSF Director annually provides a report on the NSF merit review process to the
National Science Board. In this report, data are presented on both the merit review
outcome and the process itself.

Impact of Proposal and Award Management Mechanisms Final Report
In March 2006, NSF management created an internal working group to study the impact of
proposal and award management mechanisms. The group completed its analysis and released
its final report on August 8, 2007.

NSF Report on Efficiency of Grant Size and Duration
This report is based on the Principal Investigator FY 2001 Grant Award Survey and
Institutional Survey. The survey addressed the issues of what constitutes the
appropriate NSF grant size and what could be done to improve NSF award efficiency and effectiveness.

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Note: These applications use "session variables" to allow you to obtain information on NSF proposal and award statistics at varying levels of detail and for different "cuts" of the data. If no information or incomplete information appears in the data table when you access this site, you can fix the problem by changing your browser security options to permit cookies. The session variables are used only for the duration of the individual session and only for navigation within the application. No personally identifiable information is collected, and no information is retained by NSF after the session is complete.

Contact Information:
Elizabeth Velo, Systems Team Lead

Budget Division
Office of Budget, Finance & Award Management
National Science Foundation

Last Modified: 2/2/2015