Election Officials

Language Access

Throughout the United States, citizens for whom English is a second language may want or need language assistance when voting, such as having their ballot or other election materials in their native language. Federal law also requires over 260 jurisdictions to provide some type of language assistance. Below are a variety of federal, state, and local jurisdiction resources related to language access for voters.


EAC Resources

2017 Language Access for Voters Summit

2016 Language Access for Voter Summit

EAC Glossaries of Election Terminology


Other Federal Government Resources

U.S. Department of Justice: Minority Language Citizens

Limited English Proficiency Federal Interagency Website


State and Local Jurisdiction Resources

Alaska: About Language Assistance

California: Language Accessibility Advisory Committee

Cook County, Illinois: Language Assistance

Denver County, Colorado: ACCESO (Spanish Language Voting Advisory Committee)

Fairfax County, Virginia: Voter Information Now Available in Four Languages


Language Assistance for Voting

Bilingual Requirements and Best Practices in Florida

Gwinnett County, Georgia: Language Assistance Opportunities in Gwinnett County, Georgia

King County, Washington:

King County Elections and Seattle Foundation partner to fund community-based voter engagement

Translation and interpretation resources for employees

Los Angeles County, California: Multilingual Services Program

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Language Support

Multnomah County, Oregon:

Language Access for Voters Needing Interpretation

Language Assistance for November 2016 Election

Orange County, California: 2016 Voting Rights Act Compliance and Bilingual Outreach Update

Oregon: Report from the Task Force on Minority Language Voting Materials

Texas: Minority Language Requirements


Other Resources

Center for Civic Design: Language Access Resources and Guidelines

Election Officials