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For More Information:

Jay Bautista
Program Specialist (Grants)
(202) 208-7411

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Federal Assistance Manual (FAM)

The U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement uses this Federal Assistance Manual to show how OSMRE and its grantees manage Federal grants. This page is about how FAM is organized and how it will be updated. You may view the entire document or select a chapter of interest below.

View Entire Federal Assistance Manual

PART 1 - Requirements for All OSMRE Assistance Agreements
1-100 Describing the Federal Assistance Manual
1-110 OSMRE Responsibilities for the Administration of Our Assistance Agreements
1-120 Assistance Agreement Applications and Awards
1-130 Assistance Agreement Conditions and Award Documents
1-140 Assistance Agreement Numbering and Files Organization
1-150 Monitoring and Technical Assistance
1-160 Drawdown Analysis
1-170 Overdue Reports
1-180 Audit Resolution and Cost Disallowances
PART 2 - General Requirements for Federal Assistance
2-100 Using Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements
2-110 Debarment and Suspension
2-120 Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
2-130 Lobbying
2-140 Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs
2-150 Anti-Discrimination on Federally Assisted Programs
2-200 Property
2-210 Program Income
2-220 Matching and Cost Sharing
2-230 Procurement Guidelines
Disclaimer regarding the Davis Bacon Act in 2-230-60:
This section is currently under review by the Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor.
Please use the following text from the February 9, 2011 version of the Federal Assistance Manual for guidance on Davis Bacon
[Click on arrow to view text]:
    • 2-230-60 Do the Davis-Bacon Act and Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act
      apply to contracts supported with OSMRE funds?

      • A. SMCRA does not include a prevailing wage provision or require you to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 276a). Since there is no direct relationship between OSMRE and the contractor, we consider your contracts exempt from Davis-Bacon requirements. However, state law or administrative procedures, or other federal laws if you have other federal funds in your project, may require you to include a provision for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act in your contracts.
      • B. The Davis-Bacon Act applies when OSMRE deals directly with a private contractor. We will include Davis-Bacon provisions when we award contracts directly for federal regulatory or reclamation programs.
      • C. SMCRA does not require you to comply with the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC 327-330). However, state law or administrative procedures may require you to include these provisions in your contracts.
    2-240 Financial Management Systems
    2-250 Supporting Documentation and Accounting Files
    2-260 Records Retention and Access
    2-270 Enforcing and Terminating Assistance Agreements
    PART 3 - Allowable Costs
    3-100 Cost Principles
    3-110 Indirect Cost Rates
    3-120 Subgrants and Transferring Work
    3-130 Leased Facilities or Equipment
    3-140 Purchasing, Constructing and Renovating Buildings
    PART 4 - Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Grant Program
    4-100 AML Activities for Uncertified Programs
    4-110 Annual Distribution of Title IV Grant Funds
    4-120 State Emergency AML Reclamation Program
    4-130 Acid Mine Drainage Set-Aside Program
    4-140 AML Special Future Set-Aside Program
    4-150 AML Subsidence Insurance Program
    4-160 Environmental Compliance
    4-170 The Authorization to Proceed Process
    4-200 The Application Process for an AML Grant
    4-210 Application Review and Processing for an AML Grant
    4-220 Amendments and Post-Award Changes for an AML Grant
    4-230 Performance and Financial Reporting for an AML Grant
    4-240 Closing an AML Grant
    4-300 Title IV Grant Procedures for Certified Programs
    4-400 Procedures for Civil Penalty Grants
    PART 5 - Regulatory Grant Program
    5-100 Regulatory Programs Overview
    5-110 Regulatory Administration and Enforcement Grants
    5-120 Funding for State Regulation on Federal Lands
    5-130 Small Operator Assistance Program (SOAP) Grants
    5-200 The Application Process for a Regulatory Grant
    5-210 Application Review and Processing for a Regulatory Grant
    5-220 Amendments and Post-Award Changes for a Regulatory Grant
    5-230 Performance and Financial Reporting for a Regulatory Grant
    5-240 Closing a Regulatory Grant
    PART 6 - Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program
    6-100 Watershed Cooperative Agreement Program
    6-200 The Application Process for a Watershed Cooperative Agreement
    6-210 Application Review and Processing for a Watershed Cooperative Agreement
    6-220 Amendments and Post-Award Changes for a Watershed Cooperative Agreement
    6-230 Performance and Financial Reporting for a Watershed Cooperative Agreement
    6-240 Closing a Watershed Cooperative Agreement
    PART 7 - Technical Studies Cooperative Agreement Programs
    7-100 Technical Studies Program Overview
    7-110 Applied Science Cooperative Agreement
    7-120 Underground Mine Map Agreement
    7-210 Application Review and Processing for a Technical Studies Program Cooperative Agreement
    7-220 Amendments and Post Award Changes for a Technical Studies Program Cooperative Agreement
    7-230 Performance and Financial Reporting for a Technical Studies Program Cooperative Agreement
    7-240 Closing a Technical Studies Program Applies Sciences Cooperative Agreement
    7-250 Closing a Technical Studies Program Underground Mine Map Cooperative Agreement

    Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 4/24/17

    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240
    (202) 208-2565 | TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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