Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Privacy Office

OCIO Privacy Office banner with green background, a padlock with the USDA logo and the title: Privacy Office, OCIO Policy and Directives Division

The Department's Privacy Office is staffed by the Chief Privacy Officer and Privacy Analysts. Our main objective and purpose is to safeguard Personally Identifiable Information (PII); We have an obligation under the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, to protect the privacy of individuals from whom we collect personal information.

The USDA Privacy Policy statement is very clear, we collect PII with your consent.

An image of a yellow redirect icon with dashed red outline and an arrow, displaying the acronyms FOIA and PA in the center Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests are
handled by USDA's FOIA Office.
(Please click here to be redirected to FOIA/PA webpage)

Privacy Council

To fulfill its Privacy responsibilities, USDA has assembled a Privacy Council comprising of a Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP), USDA Chief Privacy Officer (CPO), USDA Privacy Act Officer (PAO), and Agency Privacy Officers (APOs). Privacy Council meetings are facilitated by the CPO and their staff.  This group will be responsible for developing and ensuring compliance of a comprehensive, Department-wide privacy program.   Click here for members (login required).


Please note: To view the following resources, login is required.

Information Icon, a black circle on white background with an i in the center Additional resources, workshops, and materials for Privacy Office (Login required)
An image of a red telephone HOTLINE NUMBER FOR PII INCIDENTS: 1-877 PII 2YOU (1-877-744-2968)

Laws, Regulations, Standards, Requirements, and Policies: