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RePORT has a dedicated AARA page with all the consolidated information in one place? Click here

NIH Fact Sheets contain a timeline of information about the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health?

Fact Sheets can be searched for by Keywords?

Fact Sheets have interactive links for additional NIH supported endeavors?

Fact Sheets present research discovery, current treatment status, and future expectations by topic?

Frequently Requested Reports are ranked based on how many times they were accessed over the past 3 months?

The Report Catalog can find reports quickly using a menu driven filtering system?

The Report Catalog provides an Advanced Search that includes some elements of Boolean logic?

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Among the major goals of the NIH is to foster innovative research strategies and expand the health-related research knowledge base. NIH also pursues these same goals in our efforts to evaluate and understand our science programs and the policies by which we administer them. Toward those ends, we created this ReTools page, where you will find new analysis and reporting tools, visual analytics, and concepts under development that have the potential to increase our understanding of science and identify potential program improvements. Some of the reporting tools found here are still undergoing testing by NIH, and none of the information accessible on this page should be considered to be an official NIH report. This page is intended to be thought-provoking and to stimulate the development of new insights. We hope to engage others in government and academia working on similar efforts, and welcome hearing about new tools, techniques, and interesting results that could be shared here. Contact us by using the Feedback button at the bottom of the page.

Research Project Grants

Research Project Grants: Applications, awards, success rates, and funding, by activity code and Institute or Center

This moving bubble chart provides a time-lapsed view of competing NIH Research Project Grant (RPG) applications and awards, success rates, and total funding for these awards by RPG activity code and Institute/Center (IC). The chart is currently configured to plot total funding for competing (new and competing renewal) R01s on the horizontal axis and funding for competing R21s on the vertical axis. Each bubble is color-coded to represent one of the ICs, and the size of the bubbles is proportional to each IC's R01 success rate.

Funding Facts

Funding Facts

NIH Awards by Location and Organization

NIH Awards by Location and Organization

NIH Grants Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

NIH Grants Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

These links to external websites provide additional information about NIH-funded research. The appearance of the hyperlinks to other web sites above does not constitute endorsement by the NIH of these web sites or the information, products or services contained therein. The NIH is not responsible for the content of these external sites and does not monitor these sites for accuracy. In addition, these links may take you to a site with different privacy, security, and accessibility policies than the NIH RePORT site.

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