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NIH Funding

NIH Data icon
NIH Data Book

The NIH Data Book (NDB) provides basic summary statistics on extramural grants and contract awards, grant applications, the organizations that NIH supports, the trainees and fellows supported through NIH programs, and the national biomedical workforce.

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Award icon
Awards by Location

Consolidates all information about NIH-supported extramural organizations in a single tool.

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Success icon
Success Rates

Computed on a FY basis, success rates are defined by the percentage of applications funded and the total number of applications reviewed in various budget and grant activity categories.

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Funding Facts
Funding Facts

Quick access to statistics from the NIH Data Book and annual reports produced by the NIH OER’s Division of Information Services. Ability to search statistics by topic, NIH IC’s, funding mechanism, activity code, type of award, or fiscal year.

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The NIH funding data consists of an expansive reporting and information knowledge base. Located here are data on everything from success rates to historical NIH spending categories, from extramural grant and contract award statistics to NIH budget appropriations and levels of spending by budget mechanisms. A grantee is legally accountable for the performance and financial aspects of the grant-supported project or activity. The NIH is then responsible to the public for complete and accurate reporting of all results.

Federal RePORTER

A product of the STAR METRICS initiative, Federal RePORTER provides detailed information on federally sponsored research including projects supported by the NIH, NSF, NASA, EPA, DOD, AHRQ, FDA, CDC, VA, and more.
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NIH Budget and Spending

The NIH Budget and Spending reports provide information about the detailed estimates and justifications for research and research supported activities along with a comprehensive overview of official presentations.

NIH Categorical Spending

Categorical spending is derived from the RCDC computer-based process that sorts NIH-funded projects into categories of research area, disease, or condition.

NIH Recovery Act Sites

A list of NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices Recovery Act Sites.

Federal Funds for R&D;

Federally funded research is carried out by the government itself, or through grants to outside academic and research institutions. Government sponsored provides publicly shared results that can result in mass collaborative projects much beyond the scope of private researchers.
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Federal Funds for Health R&D;

The Office of Budget (OB) advises and supports the Director of the National Institutes of Health on budget policy issues affecting the NIH, the medical research community and the public.

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Did you know?

The NIH Data Book provides a variety of frequently requested reports on NIH funding?

Previous fiscal year Data Books can be accessed on the NIH Data Book page?

There is a website devoted to NIH grant information at

Awards by Location provides information on the organizations NIH supports and their geographic location?

NIH Funding Facts allows you to create a custom query of a database of over 300,000 detailed statistics on NIH funding?

The NIH Categorical Spending page provides information on NIH funding for over 200 different topic areas?

A list of the reports most frequently downloaded over the past 3 months is available on the Frequently Requested Reports page?

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