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Biennial icon
Biennial Report of the NIH Director

An integrated portrait of NIH Activities and Operations prepared every two years.

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Fact Sheet icon
NIH Factsheets

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow for the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health.

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Strategic Plans icon
Strategic Plans

Review Strategic Plans and Visions of the Institutes and Centers of the NIH.

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Grant Award logo
NIH ARRA Impact Reports

Examples of scientific advances, new resources, and training made possible with ARRA funding.

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Special reports on issues of importance to NIH stakeholders, including the Biennial Report of the NIH Director, fact sheets, strategic plans, and science advances and other impacts of NIH support. Included is a Report Catalog where filters can be applied to find information specific to a particular NIH Institute or Center, funding mechanism, or topic of interest.

Impact of NIH Research

NIH is the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. Read how this research has had a major positive impact on nearly all of our lives by improving human health, fueling the U.S. economy, and creating jobs in our communities.

NIH Research’s Impact on Health

NIH Research’s Impact on the Economy

NIH Research’s Impact on Scientific Knowledge

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Frequently Requested Reports

Compilation of frequently requested reports from RePORT and RePORTER.

NIH Collaborations with Other HHS Agencies

NIH collaborations with other HHS agencies promote the translation of NIH’s research to community health practice, coordinate a range of health programs and policies, enable better tracking of patient safety initiatives, and optimize agency efforts to reduce health disparities, thereby providing a healthier population resulting in increased social and economic benefits.

Recovery Act Investment Reports

Listed here are 177 topics in biomedical research investments in new knowledge that were made possible by ARRA.
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NIH ARRA Stories

A map of the U.S. structures the presentation of AARA funded project stories by State. Within a State, icons will detail the type of information available at that location: Investment Reports, Stories, and Funding. A click on any icon will open the information details.
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NIH Intramural Research Reports

The NIH Intramural Database collects and disseminates information about research being performed in the Intramural Programs of the Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health.
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The National Academies: NIH-Funded Reports

The National Academies perform an unparalleled public service by bringing together committees of experts in all areas of scientific and technological endeavor. These experts serve pro bono to address critical national issues and give advice to the federal government and the public.
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Report Catalog

A menu interface geared for the NIH familiar user to provide customized reporting. A graphic depiction of some major funding mechanisms, and activity codes gives a hierarchical view of project organization.

NIH ReTools

Analysis and reporting tools, visual analytics, and concepts under development that have the potential to increase our understanding of science and identify potential program improvements.

Other Special Reports

An eclectic report collection representing the expansive elements in the field of biomedical research.


Links are provided to a wide variety of data, statistics, strategic plans, policy studies, program evaluations and other biomedical & behavioral research sources.

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Did you know?

RePORT has a dedicated AARA page with all the consolidated information in one place? Click here

NIH Fact Sheets contain a timeline of information about the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health?

Fact Sheets can be searched for by Keywords?

Fact Sheets have interactive links for additional NIH supported endeavors?

Fact Sheets present research discovery, current treatment status, and future expectations by topic?

Frequently Requested Reports are ranked based on how many times they were accessed over the past 3 months?

The Report Catalog can find reports quickly using a menu driven filtering system?

The Report Catalog provides an Advanced Search that includes some elements of Boolean logic?

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