Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program

Georgia's Promoting Safe and Stable Families Program (PSSF) provides federal child welfare funding, training and technical assistance to help build state and community capacity to meet the needs of families at risk of child welfare intervention and families in crisis.

PSSF Objectives are:

  • Family Support: To prevent abuse and neglect through supportive family services;
  • Family Preservation: To prevent the unnecessary separation of children from their families through intensive preservation services;
  • Time-Limited Reunification: To minimize the length of time children remain in foster care through safe and expedient reunification; and
  • Adoption Promotion: To promote permanent placements and support life-long family connections for children and youth through adoption promotion and post-permanency support services.

PSSF resources have been strategically invested to enhance DFCS's capacity to identify and meet the needs of families at the community level and to expand state-funded child protection and placement service programs. Georgia PSSF funding is used to support DFCS priorities and support children and families most at risk. Contracts with local providers throughout the state make services available to children and families based on the State’s priorities and coinciding local needs assessments.

For more information and a list of current PSSF service providers please visit our website at