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  • Search Federal RePORTER for funding information from several research funders, including NIH, NSF, NASA, EPA, DOD, AHRQ, FDA, CDC, VA, and more.
  • Generally, project abstracts are posted to the RePORT website the first Sunday after the grant award notice is issued or on the budget start date; whichever is later?
  • The RePORTER database is refreshed every Sunday? The latest refresh date is below the RePORTER query form?
  • Graphs from the RePORTER Data and Visualize Tab can be exported to a PowerPoint and the Summary tables can be exported to an Excel sheet?
  • The RePORTER Database is available for bulk download to all public users at
  • RePORTER can filter results by foreign country from the Query form?
  • You can save your RePORTER queries and results by using MyREPORTER? Learn More
  • You can search by principal investigator or project leader name using the RePORTER Query Form?
  • Boolean logic features allow RePORTER to perform complex text searching? This feature can be used in combination with other filter criteria for customized data gathering/mining.
  • The Research, Condition and Disease Categorization (RCDC) process established in 2008 is a rules based approach to the placement of projects into their NIH categorical spending category?
  • The RePORTER database contains research project information for the past 25 years?
  • You can find research funded with a particular NIH grant activity by using a wildcard character along with the activity code in the Project Number field (e.g %P30% to list all P30 Projects)?
  • There is a RePORTER printer friendly page format available through the Print Version button?
  • You will find most of the answers about RePORTER and its features in the RePORTER manual?
  • By default, the RePORTER Query form selects active projects, regardless of fiscal year of funding? Selecting all fiscal years includes the projects no longer active.
  • The RePORTER query form has various fields which allow use of the % wildcard feature? Click here
  • RePORTER handles special character combinations that occur with chemical names through its Advanced logic feature using double quotes around the text; "2, 4-Dinitroanisole"? Learn More
  • RePORTER can now perform a text search on publication abstracts also? Learn More
  • Clicking on a Project Number or Title in RePORTER search results will present additional information such as the abstract, project terms, and funding details?
  • RePORTER has a Similar Projects tab that will produce a listing of projects "similar" to the one selected?
  • RePORTER export now allows for 15,000 projects (basic elements only) to be exported to an excel file?
  • On the Categorical Spending page, NIH-funded research is categorized into more than 200 specific/disease research areas?
  • The Categorical Spending filter in RePORTER allows you to search NIH-funded research in more than 200 specific/disease research areas?


  • Awards by Location can display the research conducted in your city, state, or congressional district?
  • Awards by Location is a quick and easy tool to access information on all NIH-supported extramural research projects?
  • Did you know that you can Click here- to view map of organizations supported with ARRA funds?
  • The RePORTER query form can filter projects by specific organizations such as "Boston University"?
  • Did you know that the Data and Visualization tab of RePORTER will summarize search results by research organization?


  • RePORTER allows principal investigators and project leaders to enter links to profile web pages? Learn More
  • The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to information on NIH-supported investigators, trainees, and fellows? Click here
  • The NIH Data Book provides information on NIH funding by gender? Click here
  • The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to trends in funding for Research Career Development programs? Click here
  • The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to information on NIH training grants and fellowships? Click here
  • The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to information on NIH-supported Ph.D. recipients? Click here
  • The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to national statistics on graduate students? Click here
  • The NIH Data Book has a section devoted to national statistics on postdocs? Click here
  • Special reports on the biomedical and behavioral research workforce can be found on the Investigators and Trainees page? Click here


  • The NIH Data Book provides a variety of frequently requested reports on NIH funding?
  • Previous fiscal year Data Books can be accessed on the NIH Data Book page?
  • There is a website devoted to NIH grant information at
  • Awards by Location provides information on the organizations NIH supports and their geographic location?
  • NIH Funding Facts allows you to create a custom query of a database of over 300,000 detailed statistics on NIH funding?
  • The NIH Categorical Spending page provides information on NIH funding for over 200 different topic areas?
  • A list of the reports most frequently downloaded over the past 3 months is available on the Frequently Requested Reports page?


  • RePORT has a dedicated AARA page with all the consolidated information in one place? Click here
  • NIH Fact Sheets contain a timeline of information about the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the nation's health?
  • Fact Sheets can be searched for by Keywords?
  • Fact Sheets have interactive links for additional NIH supported endeavors?
  • Fact Sheets present research discovery, current treatment status, and future expectations by topic?
  • Frequently Requested Reports are ranked based on how many times they were accessed over the past 3 months?
  • The Report Catalog can find reports quickly using a menu driven filtering system?
  • The Report Catalog provides an Advanced Search that includes some elements of Boolean logic?


  • Did you know that ExPORTER creates weekly files which contains all projects added on RePORTER during the weekly refresh?
  • ExPORTER data is now refreshed weekly?
  • ExPORTER is used by many organizations and users to mass download RePORTER data?
  • ExPORTER also has a CRISP catalogue to view old files?
  • A collection of databases that support the knowledge base for NIH research can be accessed via Database tab?

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